Veljko Nikitović, translator

Born in Belgrade in 1948. Elementary school frequented in Belgrade and Paris (from 1958, during 3 years). V. N. finished high school and studied comparative literature and philosophy also at University of Belgrade. First translations published in 1969, and become professional translator and member of the Association of literary translators in April 1980.

· Vladimir Nabokov: Lectures on Don Quixote; Fredson Bowers, 1984; Vladimir Nabokov: Predavanja o Don Kihoteu; NNKI, Beograd; 2008; ISBN 978-86-83635-73-3

· Vladimir Nabokov: The Original of Laura; Dimitri Nabokov, 2009; Vladimir Nabokov: Laurin original; NNKI, Beograd 2009; ISBN 86-83635-89-4

· John Steinbeck, East of Eden; Viking Press – Penguin Books, 1952; Džon Štajnbek: Istočno od raja; Mono & Mañana, Beograd 2001; ISBN 86-83503-05-4; Kompanija NOVOSTI, Beograd 2006; ISBN 86-7446-103-4; Laguna, Beograd 2014; ISBN 86-521-1811-3

· Dmitry Merezhkovsky: ATLANTIS/EUROPE – The Secret of the West; Rudolf Steiner Publications, 1971; Dmitrij Mereškovski: ATLANTIDA/EVROPA – Tajna Zapada; Metaphysica, Beograd 2002; ISBN 86-84091-04-3

· Zbigniew Bzezinski: Grand Failure; Collier Books, 1990; Zbignjev Bžežinski: Veliki promašaj; Vizart, Podgorica 2001

· Yossef Bodansky: Some Call it Peace; ISSA 1996; Josef Bodanski: Neki to zovu mir; Jugoistok, Beograd 1998

· Yossef Bodansky: Offensive in the Balkans; ISSA 1995; Jugoistok, Beograd; DOB, Podgorica 1998; ISBN 86-82991-08-X

· Norman F. Cantor: In the Wake of the Plague; Harper – Perennial, 2002; Norman F. Kantor: U vrtlogu kuge; NNKI, Beograd 2010; ISBN 978-86-83635-95-5

· Natalie Angier: Canon, a Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science; Houghton Miffin, 2007; Natali Endžijer: Kanon; NNKI, Beograd 2009; ISBN 978-86-83635-88-7

· Clifford A. Pickover: A Passion for Mathematics; John Wiley & Sons, 2005; Kliford Pikover: Strast za matematikom; NNKI, Beograd 2007; ISBN 978-86-83635-61-0

· Andy Oakes: Dragon’s Eye; Dedalus, 2002; Endi Ouks: Zmajevo oko; Book & Marso, Beograd; 2007; ISBN 978-86-7748-074-5

· Jamilla Rhines Lankford: The Jesus Thief; Author’s edition; Toronto, 2003; Dž. R. Lenkford: Krađa Isusa; Algoritam, Beograd 2005; ISBN 978-86-7662-018-0

· Gregory Maguire: Wicked, The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West; Harper, 1995; Gregori Megvajer: Zlica; zla veštica Zapada; Book & Marso, Beograd 2008; ISBN 978-86-7748-105-6

· Michio Kushi: The Macrobiotic path to total health; Ballantine Books; New York 2003; Mičio Kuši: Makrobiotički put do potpunog zdravlja; Karganović, Beograd 2012; ISBN 86-81735-15-2

· Joseph Gutmann: Hebrew Manuscript Painting; George Braziller; London 1978; (Included in the book: prof. Dr Radmilo Petrovitch: Dictionnary of Jewish Mythology); Jozef Gutman: Hebrejski slikani manuskripti; Centar za mitološke studije Srbije, Rača 2003; ISBN 86-83829-11-1; (Štampan u okviru knjige Jevrejski mitološki rečnik prof. dr Radmila Petrovića.)

· Paul Gauguin: Les écrits d’un sauvage (choix); Correspondances de P. G.; Fondation Singer-Polignac; Paris, 1984); Pol Gogen: Zapisi civilizovanog divljaka; Bepar pres, Beograd 1997; ISBN 86-7829-006-4; Mono & Mañana, Beograd 2004; ISBN 86-7804-009-2

· Paul Gauguin & Vincent van Gogh: Et nous serons des amis pour toujours (choix des lettres mutuels); Fondation Singer-Polignac, Paris 1984 & Collins, London 1963; Pol Gogen & Vinsent van Gog: A među nama će uvek vladati prijateljstvo (izvod iz uzajamne prepiske); J. van Gogh-Bonger: Memoirs of Vincent van Gogh; The Fontana Library-Collins; London 1963; J. van Gog-Bonger: Sećanje na Vinsenta van Goga; Marso, Beograd 2012; ISBN 978-86-6107-103-4

· Claude Francis & Fernande Gontier; Simone de Beauvoir; Perrin; Paris 1985; Klod Frensis & Fernanda Gontije: Simona de Bovoar; Marso, Beograd 2011; ISBN 978-86-6107-058-7

· Jules Lemaître: Trois contes – en marge d’Homère; Les amis des livres - Hachette; Paris 1921; Žil Lemetr: Sirene; Homerovim tragom; Metaphysica; Beograd 1998; ISBN 86-84091-79-5

· Guillaume Apollinaire: La Rome des Borgia; Bibliothèque des curieux; Paris 1914; Gijom Apoliner: Rim Bordžija; Gramatik, Beograd 2001; Karganović, Beograd 2005; ISBN 86-81735-07-1

· Paul Valéry: Leçons sur la poétique; Revue de la Société Internationale de Poïétique; Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes – Recherches Poïétiques 5/96; Paris 1996; Pol Valeri: Predavanja o poetici; NNKI, Beograd 2003; ISBN 86-83635-19-8; Karganović, Beograd 2005; ISBN 86-81735-07-1

· André Gide: Les nourritures terrestres (suivi de) Les nouvelles nourritures; Gallimard – Livre de poche; Paris 1962; Andre Žid: Zemaljski plodovi; Novi plodovi; NNKI, Beograd 2003; ISBN 86-83635-21-X

· Romain Rolland: La vie de Vivekananda et l’évangile universel; Stock; Paris 1978; Romen Rolan: Život Vivekanande i univerzalno jevanđelje; Metaphysica, Beograd 2006; ISBN 86-84091-74-4

· Charles Nodier: Jean Sbogar (édition critique); Champion, Paris 1987; Šarl Nodije: Jovan Zbogar; Clio, Beograd 2000; ID=87204620; Karganović, Beograd 2005; ISBN 86-81735-06-3

· Pierre Francastel: L’Impressionnisme; Denoël; Paris 1974; Pjer Frankastel: Impresionizam; No limit books, Beograd 2000; ID=87921164

· Dora Vallier: L’Art abstrait; Gallimard – Livre de poche; Paris 1971; Dora Valije: Apstraktna umetnost; Metaphysica, Beograd; 2006 ISBN 86-7592-067-3

· Paul Gzell: L’Art (entretiens avec Auguste Rodin réunis par P. G.); B. Grasset; Paris 1911; Pol Gzel: O umetnosti; razgovori s Ogistom Rodenom; Metaphysica, Beograd 2006; ISBN 86-84091-05-1

· Eugène Ionesco: Rhinoceros; Gallimard – Folio; Paris 1972; Ežen Jonesko: Nosorog; Bepar pres, Beograd; Oktoih, Podgorica; 1993.

· Edmond Rostand: La dernière nuit de Don Juan; Libraire Charpentier & Fasquelle; 1921; Edmon Rostan: Poslednja noć Don Žuana; Fakultet dramskih umetnosti, Novi Sad, 1994.

· Dictionnaire serbe-français; Srpsko-francuski rečnik; Book & Marso; Belgrade 2008; ISBN 86-7748-124-7; Marso, Beograd 2011; ISBN 978-86-6107-071-6

· Diccionario español-serbe & serbe-español (with short grammatic); Špansko-srpski & srpsko španski rečnik (sa gramatikom); Marso, Beograd 2013; ISBN 978-86-6107-114-0

· Dictionnaire français-serbe & serbe-français, with short grammatic (pocket book); Francusko-srpski & srpsko-francuski rečnik, sa gramatikom (džepna knjiga); Marso Beograd 2014; ISBN 86-6107-109-6

· Diccionario español-serbio & serbio-español, with short grammatic (pocket book); Špansko-srpski & srpsko-španski rečnik, sa gramatikom (džepna knjiga); Marso, Beograd; 2014; ISBN 86-6107-123-2

· Larousse du bricolage; Larousse, Paris 2004; Uradi sam; Book & Marso, Beograd 2006; ISBN 978-86-7748-069-2

· Larousse MÉMO (Part 1-4 & 11); Larousse, Paris 2004; Larusova Velika tematska enciklopedija (Poglavlja 1-4 & 11); Mono & Mañana, Beograd 2005; ISBN 86-7804-019-X

· Serge Hutin: Histoire de l’alchimie; Gérard & Cie; Verviers 1971; Serž Iten: Istorija alhemije; Marso, Beograd 2013; ISBN 86-6107-121-8

· Paul Waldo Schwartz: Art and the Occult; George Braziller; 1975; Paul Valdo Švarc: Umetnost i okultno; Metaphysica, Beograd; 2015; ISBN

· Jonathan Mayo & Emma Craigie: Hitler’s Last Day – Minute by minute; Short Books, London 2015; ISBN 978-1-78072-233-7; Džonatan Mejo & Ema Krejdži: Hitlerov poslednji dan – Iz minuta u minut; Marso, Beograd 2015; ISBN 978-86-6107-148-5

· Helena Petrovna Blavatsky: Nightmare Tales; H. P. Blavacka: Sablasne priče; Metaphysica; Beograd 2015; ISBN 86-7884-179-8

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