Stanković i Sinovi production

"That Extraordinary Day" movie script development

Belgrade, October 9, 2014

„Stanković i sinovi“ production gave its contribution in development of new feature length screenplay, science fiction and religious epic THAT EXTRAORDINARY DAY, based on the novel by Predrag Vukadinović (“Taj neobičan dan“, 2012). It is “Noah” meets “Total Recall” with a unique, never-before-done scientific premise.


The script is already on the international market, so if you would like to read it, please contact the rights holders, via Zoran Stefanović: zstefanovic (at) rastko (dot) net

About the script

Logline: As the Human Race awaits the new 2101, the Moscow criminals break in a science facility and steal the time machine. They end up in the 1st century AD, in the Holy Land, becoming not only the part of the lost years of Jesus, but a part of the Second Coming and the End of Time, too.

Scientific background: Although written for an entertainment medium, the story is built around the latest scientific model offering a hypothetical explanation for the End Time, as is known from the monotheistic religions and Eurasian prophecies. It also shows the Holy Land based on hard historical and archeological findings, documenting struggle for freedom of Jews, Illyirans and other nations of the Roman Empire.

Development Team

Screenwriter and development coordinator was Zoran Stefanović, co-writer was Predrag Vukadinović himself.

Futuristic architectural designs are mostly provided by art group „Bauhaus 7” — Zoran Tucić, Rade Tovladijac, Vujadin Radovanović and Saša Živković. Illustrations, concepts and mood boards are work of Tovladijac, Tucić and Borivoje Grbić. 3-D models are work of Antoan Simić. Graphical design is work of “Betterfly Studio”.

Members of Serbian Archeological Society were responsible for historical documentation and consulting, especially Đorđe Janković, Stanko Trifunović and Maja Stefanović.

Movie and TV directors/producers Miljan Glišić (Kinestezija production) and Marko Stanković (Stankovic i Sinovi production) were executive coordinators and supervisors.

Musical micro-album TED

Award-winning band Ljubičice has a musical micro-album “That Extraordinary Day” inspired by the script. Listen for free at SoundCloud.



На Растку објављено: 2014-10-09
Датум последње измене: 2014-10-10 00:00:39
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