Radoslav Lazić – a biography

LAZIĆ Radoslav — director, theatrologist, filmologist, drama pedagogue — born at Sanski Most, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on September 13, 1939. Graduated high school and Academy for Theatre, Film, Radio and Television in Belgrade in the Stage play direction class of Prof. Vjekoslav Afrić in 1964. Studied Arts History simultaneously at the Philosophical Faculty in Belgrade. Postgradual studies at theatrology at the Dramatic Arts Faculty in Belgrade. Diplômé d'études approfondies (1981) and Diplôme doctorat de 3e cycle (1984) in Etudes techniques et esthétiques du théâtre at the Université du Paris VIII.

Directed some 50 stage plays in the theatres of Belgrade, Zagreb, Novi Sad, Subotica, Niš, Banja Luka, Varaždin, Kumanovo, Leskovac, Zrenjanin, Sombor, Vršac, Pančevo. Also directed on the stage of the State Theatre at Tirgu-Mures (Romania).

Lazić is an adherent of intermedial orientation-he directed on television, radio and in film production, as well as puppet shows. Since 1976 he is teaching at the Arts Academy in Novi Sad, first as an assistant for direction, and starting in 1984 as lecturer of History and Aesthetic of Direction (theatre, filmmaking, radio and television). Since 1977 he is permanent contributor to, and then editor of ‘Scena’, a periodical for theatrical arts, as well as editor of the Radio and TV aesthetics column of the periodical ’RTV - Teorija i praksa’. He is a contributor to many periodicals in Yugoslavia and abroad, where he published results of his aesthetic researches in theatre, film, radio, television, opera and puppet show direction, its history and aesthetics. Lazić’s works have been translated into several European languages. He is the author of following books: Estetika modernog teatra (Aesthetics of Contemporary Theatre) (with D. Rnjak) 1976; Kultura režije (Culture of Direction) 1984; Dramska režija (Drama Direction) 1985; Traktat o režiji ( Treatise on Direction), 1981987; Pariska theatralija (Parisian Theatralia) 1988; Traktat o filmskoj režiji (Treatise on Film Direction) 1988; Fenomen režije (Phenomenon on Direction) 1989; Rasprava o filmskoj režiji (Discourse on Film Direction) 1991; Traktat o lutkarskoj režiji (Treatise on Puppet Show Direction) 1991; Svet režije (The World of Direction) 1992; Estetika TV režije (An Aesthetics of TV Direction) 1997; Teatrološki brevijar (Breviary of Theatrology) 1998); Estetika operske režije (An Aesthetics of Opera Direction) 1998), Nušićev teatar komike (Branislav Nušić and his Comic Theatre) 2002, Marenićev scenografski teatar (The Scenographic Theatre of Marenić) 2008, Biti glumac (To Be an Actor) 2009; Traktat o scenografiji i kostimografiji (Treatise on Scenography and Costimography) 2009; Theater / Circus of Clowns,2009, Teatar/cirkus klovnova, Umetnost crvenih noseva i tužnih očiju (Clown Theatre/Circus, The Art of Red Noses and Sad Eyes) 2009, Sara Bernar, Umetnost teatra (Sara Bernar, The art of Theatre), 2009, Aleksandar Saša Petrović (Alexandar Sasha Petrovich) 2010, Lutkarski theatrum mundi (Puppet Theatrum mundi) 2010.

Lazić is also author of some 50 collections of thematic issues of periodicals consecrated to the arts of theatre, filmmaking, radio and television in which the direction occupies the central position. General feature of this interdisciplinary project is the research of the phenomenon of direction, of aesthetics processes of the art of direction in synchronous research of an aesthetics of direction, its theory, history and propaedeutics.

For this work as a director, Lazić obtained a Prize of the Academy for Theatre, filmmaking, radio and television (1964), and for the direction of A. P. Chekhov’s The Three Sisters at the National Theatre in Subotica, in the framework of the Twentieth Meeting of Vojvodina Theatres, a Prize (1970). He also received a Charter for cooperation and contribution in research projects of the Institute for studies of cultural development of Serbia and a Charter of the film periodical ‘Sineast’, 1988.

He gave lectures on History and Aesthetics of Direction at the universities in Paris, Belgrade, Zagreb, Ljubljana. He is a member of juries of experts, of associations of writers, drama artists and of international associations SIMBMAS, FIRT, AICET, UNIMA, ASSITEJ. In the publishing house GEA, he is editor of the Library on Dramatic Arts (theatre, filmmaking, radio, television, video), where his works on history and aesthetics of dramatic arts are published (Artaud, Tarkovsky, Bergman, Stanislavsky, Grotowski, et al.).

A synthesis of his scientific and research work is the study — Jugoslovenska dramska režija — teorija , istorija, praksa, propedeutika (The Yugoslav Stage Play Direction-Theory and History, Praxis, Propaedeutics), together with Rečnik dramske režije (Vocabulary of Stage Play Direction), definitions of basic notions of the stage play direction.

Radoslav Lazić is a cooperator of the Leksikografski zavod ‘Miroslav Krleža’ (Institute of the Lexicography ‘Miroslav Krleža’) in Zagreb,Croatia.. He wrote about the Serbian theatre in the Encyclopedia Krležiana, and nowadays, he writes about the Serbian theatre for the Kazališni leksikon (Lexicon of Theatre), which is in editing. Supported with the Ministry of Culture, he writes the first History of Puppetry in Serbia, which will be edited by International Children Theatre Festival in Subotica, is expected in 2010. He wrote about the puppetry in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina for the World Encyclopedia of Puppetry under the sponsorship of UNESCO and which editing is expected soon in Paris and London in French and English.

He won the ‘Boško Zeković’ prize of the Youth Theatre from Novi Sad for the ENTIRE CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PUPPETRY, 2008, on the 40th. Meeting of the Professional Puppet Theatres in Serbia, Niš, 2008.

Radoslav Lazić also won the prestigious INTERNATIONAL PRIZE FOR THE CONTRIBUTION TO THE DRAMATIC EDUCATION ‘Grozdanin kikot’ of the Centre for Dramatic Education of the Youth Theatre in Mostar, Mostar, 2008.

Lazić’s critical-theoretical and essayistic work features the fundamental research in the fields of theatrology, filmology and the science of media, and their evaluation in the area of Serbia, Yugoslavia, Europe and the world. He edited the results of his critical-researching-publicistic work in more than 30 authorial books and so many scientific selections, as well as more than 1000 bibliographical units in the professional periodicals.

He took place in the numerous national and international symposia and scientific congresses devoted to the dramatic arts. He is a member of numerous professional juries.

As a drama pedagogue, in addition to the matricular Academy of Art at the University in Novi Sad, he works for the Faculty of Dramatic Arts and the University of Arts in Belgrade, Academies of Arts in Osijek and Banja Luka, as well as for the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje. He has realized a fruitful redactorial cooperation in the periodical ‘Scena’ in the ‘Sterijino pozorje’ last two decades, contributing to the artistic development our most important national theatrical festival.

He retired in 2001. In spite of his very bad health conditions, he supports the master and doctoral studies at the University, where he took place in twenty master and doctoral defences in the field of dramatic arts. He actively writes and publishes books in aesthetics of dramatic arts, than he writes critics, theoretical papers and essays devoted firstly to the theatrical and film arts.

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