Radoslav Lazić

Time Direction — Space Direction

24 theses in the search for the aesthetics of an intermedia direction (drama — opera — film — radio — television — puppets)


Direction is nothing but an artistic creation in specific time and space and by means of time–space parameters.


Within each and every direction, time and space equal vertical and horizontal meanings of a coordinate system.


Director directs people, phenomena and objects in the stage or in a movie and within time–space limits thorough relating them to each other within both plot and action and, in the same time, giving them meaning in the form of a time–space creation called performance or movie.


Director always defines both quality and quantity of time and space as in his direction they oppose and are differentiated form real and unreal time and space, thus forming theatrical or film time and space, in brief time–space.


Dramatic action carried out by actuators is the very essence of the time–space created by the director, usually by means of pace–rhythm laws, in brief, direction and music live in an organic accordance.


Director is the master of the + time–space, pace–rhythm, in brief, he rules the process of the composition of theatre performance or film artistic peace.


First of all, direction means filling up an empty space with people and objects, appearing in three dimensions. Hence, direction is direction of lengths, direction of widths and direction of heights.


Of the time–space is direction of the world as a meaning bearer.


Direction of a play is creation of time–space parameters based upon a score called screenplay and written by a playwright who makes his peace of art following the laws of time–space parameters, encompassing both the overall reality as well as the reality of his own peace of art.


Direction of a play means a time–space action showing life of people confronted with each other or with objects or with ideas but always an actual, present action in statu nascendi, that is being carried out in front of the audience.


Aesthetics of a movie means a aesthetics of a celluloid band coated by a light–sensitive emulsion onto which the director draws both the world of his dreams as well as the time–space of reality as seen by camera lenses.


Direction of an opera means to strictly stage what is written in the score, hence to stage the time–space of the score.


Direction of a radio–phonic peace of art means to place „beams–rays“ of sound performances within specific time and space whole rays are broadcast by means of sound oscillations amplified by electromagnetic waves and heard by us through loudspeakers as the „audible theatre“.


Direction of a television peace of art means to direct the time–space reality simultaneously „seen“ by a number of cameras and „heard“ by a number of microphones as the director's time–space composition and transmitted to „home videos“ by means of electromagnetic waves either directly or deferred.


Direction of a peace of art in a puppet theatre means to compose and de–compose the time–space where puppet objects animated by animators' hands, legs or bodies and voices realize a world of stage poetry in specific time and space. Direction of puppets means to carry out an absolute direction with a director as a demiurge and his play as a metaphysical magic.


In brief, director is a creator of an overall stage or film time–space, while his activity is an act of direction in time and space giving as its result a performance on the stage, radio, television or film.


Direction of the reality of the universe belongs to the creation of cosmic time and space, form minus infinity to plus infinity.


Direction earthly time and space belongs to the world of nature.


Direction of dramatic time and space belongs to the playwright, hence it is justly said that creation of a dramatic peace of art is a specific „pre–direction“.


Direction of stage and film time and space belongs to the director — creator of the play or film.


Uniqueness of the time–space in the process of perception of the peace of art called direction signifies life and death of direction as an art. Direction lives only once!


Each new direction is a true search for new principles of the time and space parameters creation. Direction always produces new time and new space sui generis. Hence, it is usually said that direction is a generic phenomenon that is always re–born. Re–birth of a director is shown within the score of a play, through the actor's body, stage space, spectator's time and his perception of the time–space.


The artistic time and space of a direction is born out of time and space and the very same applies to the playwright when he written his play or to the actor when his real being acts within given time–space. Hence, director creates his peace of art out of real time and space obeying the rules and laws of the time–space generic.

In brief, art in general, just like life itself, is the result of time and space. That is why it can be stated that direction really coincides with principles of creative nature, of life itself, of universe.

На Растку објављено: 2013-12-11
Датум последње измене: 2013-12-11 23:50:22
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