Goran Trenčovski

Slavic Orpheus or The new course of the apocalyptic theater

In 1992, few people believed in the future of Macedonian theater, as well as in the artistic charge which was already largely renewing, partly due to the arrival of the new generation of creators of the New Balkans which boundaries were being redrawn, and partly because of the creative impulse and freshly gained knowledge and experience at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad.

Observing now from a two–decades' distance, I have been led to the conclusion that the idea of ​​the Slavic Orpheus' dramatics is essentially visionary, prophetic and — a paradigm for a model of theater of the new age, yet on the old ground.

Why do I say that?

For the following reason: while some remained pessimistic, cynical and unbelieving — Zoran [Stefanović, playwright, trans. note] and I were immersed in the concept which opened quite a few new dimensions within the utopian abyss which many prayed for, but which, fortunately for the majority, did not materialize.

In addition to the laurels that we have collected with the theatrical show performed according to this "ritual case", injustices have also stacked up. At first we were prevented from participating on BITEF. Then we realized that the deed for KPGT was owned by someone else, so we were unable to start another joint project. And finally, when our Orpheus became a recognized reference, the "theater games" in Prilep quickly changed the rules, and the show was once again eliminated in a perfidious way, now already on a "home" ground.

Either way, in the meantime, we have learned a lot of tricks and discovered new worlds.

The Apocalypse Riders are still lurking at us, seeking fresh meat.

We are here and now, as always upright facing the challenge of building new spaces in the field of dramatic arts, as well as in life.

The return to the antiquity encourages us even more, and the phenomenon of global (un)rest marks a new chapter in our creation. And now the question arises: how can we protect ourselves? By work, hard work, by fruit, solid will, good thoughts, by unyielding, sometimes even by the whit of hope… And with new breakthroughs, readings and ideas.

In any case, we are now richer for another great, courageous and successful venture, sustainable for a long–term and with the brilliant — OUR Orpheus.

Goran Trenčovski, 2014.

Први пут објављено: 2014
На Растку објављено: 2018-03-01
Датум последње измене: 2018-03-02 12:50:14

Пројекат Растко / Проект Растко Македонија