Ratko Marković

Letter of Ratko Markovic, Head of the Yugoslav Delegation, to the chairmen of Rambouillet Meeting

Извор/source: Предраг Симић, Пут у Рамбује: Косовска криза 1995-2000, 2000.

Meeting in Rambouillet

Rambouillet, 23 February 1999

H.E. Mr. Christopher HILL, Ambassador

H.E. Mr. Wolfgang PETRICH, Ambassador

H.E. Mr. Boris MAIORSKY, Ambassador


The delegation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia wishes to emphasize that major progress has been achieved in the talks in Rambouillet in defining political solution on substantial self-government of Kosovo and Metohija respectful of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia and of the FR of Yugoslavia.

We would particularly like to emphasize, the same as the Contact Group that there can be no independence of Kosovo and Metohija nor the third republic.

Therefore, all elements of self-government at the time of defining of the Agreement have to be known and clearly defined. In further work, this should adequately addressed and consistently resolved. In that sense, we are ready to participate in the next meeting on the issue.

The FRY agreed to discuss the scope and character of international presence in Kosmet to implement the agreement to be accepted in Rambouillet.

The FR of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia are fully ready continue the work, in line with the positive spirit of this meeting. We therefore consider that it would be extremely useful to set a reasonable deadline to create appropriate conditions and different approach to successfully address those questions. In that connection, we would like to point out that direct talks between the two delegations would be very useful.


Prof. Dr Ratko Markovic
Head of the Delegation

Први пут објављено: 1999-02-23
На Растку објављено: 2008-04-22
Датум последње измене: 2008-04-25 12:41:33

Пројекат Растко / Косово и Метохија