Idris Bitlisi

God-pleasing work of Jihadd

This is an extract from the early XVI century Turkish chronicle written by Idris Bitlisi about the Kosovo Battle. This text is one of the most important historical sources on the Kosovo battle from the Ottoman perspective.

Source: Kosovo — Land of the living past

God-pleasing work of Jihadd

Turkish chronicler of the early XVI century

/.../ Compared with the devotion of the fighters on the battlefield of jihad, all earthly gain proves to be trivial. According to the clear meaning of the word, the holy war for the religion against the infidels and caitiffs is somewhat like a struggle against one's own desires. Perseverance in danger and in combat with the enemies of the chosen religion is a proof of the fact that the fighters make a voluntary sacrifice. There is no doubt that heroism /shahadat/, which is an obvious sign that the God-pleasing enterprise of jihad has been accepted, and the sacrifice of one's life and fortune on the path of the truth, which is a custom of the fortunate ones, have always been greatly respected and appreciated .by the Lord of the world, who can see all human errors and who knows the secrets of very heart and soul. Such a service and God-pleasing deeds, God assigns to the true believers. Such acts are highly valued among people who love God /truth/, and whose love is sincere.

In the gloom of the dark night, the enlightened sultan sought salvation from the darkness of anguish. From the wave that emerged out of the flood of thoughts, his spirit found salvation in the vessel of prayer and addressing God. But one night, out of the cold winds of perplexity and the myriads of the dust of Space and Time, emerged signs of darkness and sorrow. Owing to his anxiety about the numerous enemy, the sultan's heart became completely covered with dust. The gates of colloquy were locked with the padlock of a lonely silence. Therefore, he was absent-minded. For, on the morrow of the day of combat, would call for the mujahid flag of victory and bliss to flutter, above the whirlwind that that night had started blowing out of the murk of the clouds and was sprawling across the field of hatred and vengeance, and this would be the reason for the flag of Islam to be unfurled before the eyes of friends. Thus tormented, he headed for the mosque, the divine refuge of sultans, and with his face full of humility against the ground, he prayed sincerely to escape defeat and collapse, and prayed for advice on how to achieve his ultimate goal and desire - the victory of the soldiers of the true faith -and to leave the infidels in defeat, humbled in their enmity and vengeance. In the dark of that night, he was alone in his tent; with his own hand, he had closed the doors to his fleshly needs and royal luxury. Now he adorned the secret parts of his body with purity as great as was the purity of the lustrous core of his faith. Having completed the obligatory prayers, and also some more of his own choice, he raised his extended hands, and pleaded with divine graciousness, saying: "Oh, God, you are the Lord in whom all slaves, infidels and Muslims, place their trust; you are the salvation for men in happiness and grief, in misery and prosperity. Do not deny your mercy to your friends, and, as you always have, cast your grace upon these troubled believers. Let the flags of the true Islam be hoisted high above the fields of victory, take the discouraged and exhausted troops under your wing, and protect them from the evil of the ruthless enemy. Your knowledge of all things includes this poor servant whom you have entrusted with the duty to serve you, whom you have made the commander of the Islamic warriors to perform his duty at all times and places, to enlarge your territory in each campaign, and to humiliate the infidel and the stubborn. My ultimate goal and wish has been to achieve your satisfaction and, sitting on this throne, I have always thought how to fulfill and follow Mohammed's path. The only aim of this enterprise is to increase the reputation of Islam and to confront these idolaters. It has been a long time since so many enemies of your religion have stood up to fight; and never and nowhere, not even in the times of the great Muslim emperors, have the bright eyes of the immemorial heaven seen such a dash of truth and falsehood. Not only did the number of enemy soldiers surpass the number of the warriors of Islam many times, as thousands surpass hundreds, but, the ground around the military camp and the battlefield was not stony but dusty, so that one could hardly distinguish the warriors of Islam from the infidels in that dust. Therefore, the dust of this turmoil covered the sultan and he was deeply frightened, since it is easy, when the winds blow in the wrong direction and are not friendly to the enemy. And the experience of old warriors tells us that the superiority and final victory of an army depends on favorable winds. Such a wind meant perfect-strength and confidence for the Christian army. Because of these unfortunate circumstances, the Sultan raises his hands and addresses his God in prayer, crying and begging him to take away this and not to be blind to his wishes and needs: "Oh, God, for the sake of the worship of your noble being, for the sake of the bliss of our true religion that lies upon that favorite friend of yours, do not allow the faces of these soldiers who follow the path of faith, to be anxious on this battlefield, do not tarnish the splendor of these armed fighters for the true religion, or their bright brows on this battlefield. And if you look on them with respect and attention, dignify them in victory. Although divine independence is greater than the power of infidels over the believers, where independence and glory lie, can one expect a glance of respect to be cast at the believers. And this impotent and miserable slave, who is regarded as the ruler over many people, who is always dejected and brokenhearted, whom you have chosen to perform the duty of the commander of such numerous armies, this cadet of your mercy that has been known for years among muslins and infidels as a ghasi and a fighter, now, in this crucial hour, make him a victim to atone for the muslims /fidayi muslimin saz/. Following the well-established order and law, do not deny him your everlasting mercy, grant him the honor of becoming a martyr. Do not on this occasion throw the Muslim flag to the ground with disdain."

As the sultan ghasi was addressing the Creator in his plea that gloomy night, he suddenly, after utter despair and helplessness, lowered his head to his knee and went to sleep. Because of the great purity of his heart and his sincere belief, the gates of the mystery opened for him. Because of his honesty, good nature and the loving clarity of his heart, his eye penetrated into the spiritual world and he saw an angel descending from the heavens. It must have been the angel of water and rainfall or, perhaps, an angel of other important fidings - and he said to the sultan: 'Your prayers have been heard by the Divine Creator; your requests have penetrated all the gates." The sultan woke up from this dream of revelation (this spiritual experience) so full of Good's bliss and joy because he had achieved what he sought for, and then, he devoted himself to gratitude. When he awoke and opened his eyes, he saw that some of his wishes had already been granted: the sky of God's grace and mercy had already opened with rain that washed away all the dust of anxiety and fear that had covered hearts and souls.

На Растку објављено: 2007-11-17
Датум последње измене: 2007-11-16 21:36:16

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