Crucified Kosovo The focal point for Kosovo and Metohia issues
Destroyed And Desecrated Serbian Orthodox Churches In Kosovo And Metohia (1999-2000)

Kosovo and Metohia's Cultural Heritage of Extreme Importance

Vitina -- the Monastery of the Holy Archangels, 14th c., resolution number PZ1*-175/63, Buzovik (Binac) the Serb cemetery, a belfry and the woods; Letinica a statue of the Mother of God of Montenegro with Christ and a statue of St Roko, 17th c., r.n. PZ-245/68.

Vucitrn -- the tower, 14th c., r.n.RZ-858/48 and Vojinovici Bridge, 14th c., r.n. RZ2*-859/49; Samodreza -- the Church of St Lazarus, 14th c., restored in 1932, r.n. PZ-381/64 and the Gradina church hill; Gojbulja -- remains of the church with the cemetery. 16th c., r.n. PZ-593/65.

Gnjilane -- Kmetovce remains of the Holy Barbara monastery, 14th c., r.n. PZ-369/63, a hundred years old cemetery and centennial oak trees; Podgradje --fortified stronghold (Kaljaja), 14th c., r.n.PZ-251/56; Grncar --hillfort, 14th c., r.n. PZ-199/55; Trpeza -- hillfort, 14th c.,r.n. PZ-200/55.

Decani -- the Monastery of Christ the Pantocrator, 14th c., r.n. RZ-426/47 and the hermitages of Decani: the hermitage of King Stafan Decanski and the hermitage of Belaje, 14th c., r.n. PZ-774/66, as well as the Locani hut, 14th c., r.n. PZ-273/58.

Djakovica -- Srpska Street with the Church of the Dormition of the Virgin, 16th c., r.s. PZ-951/67.

Zubin Potok -- the monastery with the Church of Our Lady in Duboki Potok, 14th-16th c., r.n. RZ-2300/48; the Church of St Nicholas in Crepulja, 16th c., r.n. RZ-2305/48; the Church of St Petka in Cecevo, 14th c., (restored in 20th c.), r.n. PZ-984/66; Brnjaci remains of the palace of Helen of Anjou, 14th c., r.n. PZ-967/66; Ilinica-Jabuka -- remains of old church grounds with the cemetery, 14th c., r.n. PZ-836/66.

Istok -- the Monastery of Gorioc,14th c., r.n. PZ-160/58, the Church of St John in Crkolez, 14th --17th c., r.n. PZ-236/58 and church remains in the villages of Sinaje and Saljinovica; remains of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin, 13th c., r.n. PZ-370/63; Studenice Hvostanske above the villages of Studenica and Vrela near Pecka Banja; the Church of St Nicholas in Djurakovac, 14th --16th c., r.n. PZ-475/55 with an old cemetery and a centennial oak tree; Banja Rudnicka-the Rodop sarcophagus in the Church of St Nicholas, 14th c., r.n. PZ-259/58; Dobrusa-Vucar-remains of the church with the cemetery, 14th c., r.n.PZ-982/66; Crni Lug the old cemetery, 16th --19th c., r.n. PZ-960/64; Rudnik the Church of St George with the cemetery, 16th c., r.n. PZ-248/58.

Klina -- the Monastery of the Holy Transfiguration in Budisavci, 14th --16th c, with a forest, cemetery, old church grounds, centennial oak trees and ancient tomb stones in the villages of Naglavci, Veliko Krusevo and Jagoda; Dobra voda, Petrovica church, 13th--14th c., r.n. PZ-245/58, the endowment of Peter of Korisa, with a hillfort and a church well; Dolac monastery -- the Church of the Presentation of the Holy Virgin, 14th-16th c., r.n. 241/58; Drsnik the Church of St Petka, 16th c., r.n. PZ-242/58; Kijevo -- the Church of St Nicholas, 16th c., r.n. PZ-238/58; Ljubizda -- remains of the church in the south-east part of the village, 14th 17th c., r.n. PZ-553/66; Mlecane -- the Church of St Nicholas, 16th c., r.n. PZ-250/58, Podgradje with the Church of the Holy Healer (St Demetrius), 16th c., and the Upper Church, 14th-16th c., r.n. PZ-249/58; Svrhe Volujacke -- church remains, 14th c., r.n. PZ-513/66; Sicevo -- the Church of St Nicholas, 16th c., r.n. PZ-246/58; Malisevo (Uljarice) -- the river Mirusa valley with lakes, waterfalls, and the hermitages of Uljarice, 13th-14th c., r.n. PZ-231/62, with a church; Cabici -- the Church of St Nicholas, 16th c., r.n. PZ-246/58.

Kosovska Kamenica -- Ajnovce (Recane) remains of the monastery of Tamnica, 14th c., r.n. PZ-476/55, with towers and old cemeteries; Mocare remains of the Monastery of Ubozac (Rdjavac), 14th c., r.n. PZ-478/55; Vaganes, the Church of Our Lady, 14th c., r.n. PZ-474/55, with ancient oak trees and the cemetery; Berivojce -- the Church of St John, 14th-16th c., r.n. PZ-338/63.

Lipljan -- the old Church of the Presentation of the Holy Virgin, 14th c., r.n. PZ-1737/49, with a konak (the old primary school), 19th c., r.n. PZ-818/56 and the Church of SS Florius and Lavra; Petrovo (Stimlje) church remains, 16th c., r.n. PZ-562/66; Racak near Stimlje -- the Church of the Holy Healers, 14th c., r.n. PZ-561/66; Slovinje the church of St John, 16th c., r.n. PZ-975/66 and the Church of St Nicholas, 16th c., r.n. PZ-54/67 as well as the Monastery of St George, 14th c., r.n. PZ-56/67.

Novo brdo -- medieval town the fortress with remains of an ancient settlement on the fill, 14th c., r.n. RZ-266/48 and the church in the village of Bostanje.

Orahovac -- Brnjaca-the church of an unknown saint, 14th c. (restored in 20th c., destroyed in 1941), r.n. PZ-557/65; Velika Hoca with 13 churches and konaks, vineyards and the winery; churches: of St John, 16th c., r.n. PZ-253/58, of St Lucas, 14th-16th c., r.n. PZ-169/67, of St Nicholas, 16th c., r.n. PZ-287/58, Zociste monastery with the Church of the Holy Healers, 14th-16th c., r.n. PZ-494/54, mineral spring, old grounds of the Church of St John; Opterusa the Church of St George, 15th c., r.n. PZ-558/66.

Pec -- the Patriarchate of Pec, 13th c., r.n. RZ-428/47, with an old cemetery,16th-19th c., r.n. PZ-519/58 and the old "Sam-dud" tree (Murus Sp.), r.n. RZ-709/57, Rugova hermitages, 13th-14th c., r.n. PZ-988/66 and church remains in the village of Ljevosa; the Church of St Demetrius in "Metova livada" (Meto's meadow), 14th c., r.n. PZ-989/66; the Church of St George, 14th c., r.n. PZ-990/66; the Church of St Marko, 14th c., r.n. PZ-996/66; the Church of St Nicholas, 14th c., r.n. PZ-991/66; the old cemetery in "Savova livada" (Savo's meadow), 17th c., r.n. PZ-995/66; remains of the fortress of Idolac (Idvorac), 14th c., r.n. PZ-974/65; Duvarinje (Zdrelnik) wall remains of a well, r.n. PZ-992/66; Paskalica remains of Paskalija church, 13th c., r.n. PZ-520/66; Plavljane the old cemetery, 16th-18th c., r.n. PZ-976/66; Belo Polje the Church of Our Lady, 16th-18th c., r.n. PZ-954/64; Bucane the old Stojkovic cemetery, 18th c., r.n. PZ-57/67; Krusevo -- a tomb head-stone, 14th c.; a church, r.n. PZ-243/58; Radavac -- the Beli Drim spring, the Radevacka cave and remains of the Radev-grad (the city of Radev), r.n. PZ-987/66; Gorazdevac the Church hut of St Nicholas, 16th c., r.n. PZ-240/58 and the Church of Our Lady with an ancient cemetery and oak-trees.

Podujevo -- Palatna remains of the church and the cemetery in an oak grove,14th c., r.n. PZ-596/65; Belasica --the town of Vrhlab, 13th-14th c., r.n. PZ-475/58.

Prizren -- a medieval fortress Dusanov Grad (the city of Dusan) "Kaljaja", 14th c., r.n. RZ-1585/48; Podkaljaja the Church of the Holy Salvation, 14th c., r.n. RZ-1598/48; the Church of the Holy Healers, the Church of the Holy Sunday, the icon of the Holy Mother with Christ, 14th c r.n. RZ-1102/57, in the Church of St Nicholas (Rajkov); the Church of St Nicholas (Tutic), 14th c., r.n. PZ-2236/62; the Church of St George (Runovic), 16th c., r.n. PZ-956/64; the icon of the Holy Mother Pelagonitisa in the Cathedral Church of St George, 14th c., r.n. PZ-235/62; the Church of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary (the Church of the Young Prince Marko), 14th c., r.n. PZ-983/66; the Church of Our Lady of Ljeviska, 14th c., r.n. RZ-352/48 with remains of the Monarchs' chapels, Metropolitans' konaks and the old belfry; the stone bridge, 14th-15th c., r.n.PZ-2345/58; the Sahat-kula (clock-tower), 14th-16th c., r.n. PZ-994/66; Sredacka zupa with 16 sites of old church grounds and churches; the Church of Our Lady, 16th c., r.n. RZ-1574/50, the Church of St George, 16th c., r.n. PZ-510/56; Spinadije remains of a church with a cemetery, 16th c., r.n. PZ-470/63, the Korisa gorge with the villages of Kabas, Korisa and Ljubizda, the hermitages of St Peter of Korisa in the village of Kabas, 13th c., r.n. PZ-1573/50 and the Monastery of St Marko, 14th c., r.n. PZ-591/65; old church grounds in Luka mahala, 14th c., r. PZ-469/63, a cemetery church near the village school, 14th c., r.n. PZ-979/65; Korisa -- remains of the Church of SS Peter and Paul, 14th c., r.n. PZ-572/62; the Church of St George, 14th c., r.n. 468/63; the Church of St Nicholas, 14th c., r.n. PZ-467/63; the Church of the Our Immaculate Lady (the so called "Sisters of Peter of Korisa), 14th c., r.n. PZ-978/65; the Church of Our Lady near Vrela in Korisa, 16th c., r.n. PZ-955/64; hillfort remains, 13th c., r.n. PZ-975/65; Sukalje -- remains of the pyrgos (tower), 13th c., r.n. PZ-977/65; 13 churches and the sites of old church grounds in the villages of Gornja Srbica and Ljubizda: the Church of St Nicholas, 16th c., r.n. PZ-976/65; Korisa -- fortified stronghold-fortress above the villages of Korisa and Ljubizde, 13th c., r.n. PZ-975/65; Biljusa the Church of "Kaludjerski kamen" (the monk's rock), 16th c., r.n. PZ-837/67; Bogosevci the Church of St Nicholas, 16th c., r.n. PZ-119/56; Gornje selo the Church of St George, 16th c., r.n. PZ-252/58; Muzljak monastery remains, 14th c.,r.n. PZ-1092/64; Nasec church foundations, 14th c.,r.n. PZ-966/66; Novake the old konak, 19th c., r.n. PZ-761/56; the Prizrenska Bistrica gorge with remains of the Monastery of the Holy Archangels,14th c., r.n. PZ-352/48; the town of Visegrad with the church of St George,13th-14th c., r.n. RZ-1583/48; Dusan's Bridge in the gorge, 14th-15th c., r.n. PZ-1149/58; 40 wells ("Krk bunar"), the hermitage of St Nicholas, 14th c., r.n. PZ-772/66; nameless hermitages as well as Tsar Dusan's maple tree in Maras mahala at the entrance into the city of Prizren, r.n. PZ-01-569/59.

Pristina -- the Church of St Nicholas and the iconostasis, 19th c., r.n. PZ-261/56 with the Metropolitanates building and the building of the first Serbian school, 19th c., r.n. PZ-385/61; the Byzantine Ulpijana; Gazimestan -- a monument to Kosovo heroes, r.n. PZ-375/50 and Kosovo peonies reserve (peonia decora), r.n. RZ-26/50;

Gracanica -- the Monastery of the Annunciation, 14th c., r.n. RZ-427/47 and the town of Veletin, 14th c., r.n. PZ-694/66 with remains of Vojsilovice monastery, 14th c., r.n. PZ-198/67; churches in the villages of Saskovac, 14th c., r.n.PZ-691/66, and Susica on the slopes of mount Veletina; Gladnica -- the early Serbian necropolis at Badovac, r.n. PZ378/65; Orlane remains of the Church of Our Immaculate Lady of Braina, 14th c., r.n.PZ-521/66 and the Church of St Constantine and Helena, 16th c., r.n. PZ-9/8/66; Badovac (Novo Selo) remains of a cemetery church, 16th c., r.n. PZ-718/64; Balabane (Orlane) church remains, 16th c., r.n. PZ-977/66; Donja Fustica church remains, 14th --16th c., r.n. PZ-55/67.

Srbica -- Lausa the Monastery of Devic, 14th-15th c., r.n. RZ-439/48 with the Gradina hill, monastic woods, orchard, the spring of St Joannicius and the river Devic; Belica the Church of St George, 14th --16th c., r.n. PZ-589/65; Leocina with the Church of St John, 14th c., r.n. PZ-589/65; the Church of the Holy Transfiguration, 14th th c., r.n. PZ-959/64, a carved cross, 14th-16th c., in the house of Zdravko Smigic, r.n. PZ-506/66.

Suva reka -- Musutiste the Church of Our Lady, 14th c.,r.n. RZ-2112/48, the Monastery of the Holy Trinity, 14th --19th c., r.n. PZ-754/66; cave hermitages in Matoski brook, 13th-14th c., r.n. PZ-775/66 and Rusinica, 13th c., r.n. PZ-773/66; Recane the Church of St George, 14th c., r.n. RZ-837/53 with ancient oak trees and a cemetery; Popovljane the Church of St Nicholas, 16th c., r.n. RZ-1575/50; Pecane -- the Church of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary, 15th c., r.n. PZ-958/64.

Kosovska Mitrovica -- the Monastery of St Stefan in Banjska, 14th c., r.n. RZ-159/47 with church remains in the small villages of: Jelici, Stevovici and Kozareva rijeka; Stari trg -- remains of the Old Saxon Church, 13th c., r.n. PZ-8/58; the town of Zvecan, 10th-13th c., r.n. RZ-373/47, with Mali Zvecan (Little Zvecan) on the right bank of the river Ibar and the Monastery of Sokolica (the Church of Our Lady) 14th c., r.n. RZ-2304/48, on the left river bank; Rasane Trepcanski grad (town of Trepca) 13th-14th c., r.n. PZ-267/67; Ceranska reka remains of the Church ''Mramor'' with a marble statue, 14th c.,r.n. PZ-897/64; Spilje (Ipilje) Kuline -- remains of the monastery with a cemetery,14th c., r.n. PZ-981/66.

Urosevac -- Gornje and Donje Nerodimlje with the Monastery of the Holy Archangels, 14th c., r.n. PZ-502/66, Tsar Dusan's pine tree (Pinus heldreichii) r.n. RZ--01-327/61, the towns of Mali and Veliki Petric, 14th c., r.n. PZ-959/67, the Church of Tsar Uros and an icon collection, 16th c, r.n. PZ-595/65; the Church of St Nicholas in Gotovusa, 16th c., r.n. PZ-235/55; Nerodimlja -- remains of King Milutin's palace, 14th c., r.n. PZ-958/67; Svrcin (Sarajiste) remains of a summer house, 14th c., r.n. PZ-960/67; Sarenik (Sajkovac) -- the Monastery of St Uros, 14th-16th c., r.n. PZ-966/66.

Strpce -- the Church of St Nicholas, 16th c., PZ-904/67; Cajlije -- the fortress above Brezovica, 13th c., r.n. PZ-957/67; Kacanik -- the fortress (Kaljaja), 16th c., r.n. PZ-979/66; Sirinicka zupa with 11 churches; Gornje Bitinje -- a stone slate, cemetery and the Church of St George,16th c., r.n. PZ-244/58; Donje Bitinje the Church of St Theodore Tyro, 16th c., r.n. PZ-251/58; Gora zupa which was converted into Islam, with 14 Christian churches left; Opolje with churches in 12 villages and many more old church grounds, churches, hillforts, hermitages etc.


  1. PZ -- abbreviation for the Kosovo County Heritage Institute (Pokrajinski zavod za zastitu spomenika kulture)
  2. RZ -- abbreviation for the Republic of Serbia Heritage Institute (Republicki zavod za zastitu spomenika kulture)