Authors' Biographies

Collection Discovering Other Skies: Rastko Petrović, City of Belgrade Cultural Centre , Belgrade 2003, editors: Mihajlo Pantić and Olivera Stošić, p. 8.

Radovan Popović, journalist working for the Politika daily, literary historian and biographer of major Serbian 20th century authors (Isidora Sekulić, Jovan Dučić, Miloš Crnjanski, Veljko Petrović, Meša Selimović, Ivo Andrić, Branko Ćopić, Sreten Marić, Vasko Popa, Dobrica Ćosić, Milorad Pavić, Todor Manojlović, Branko Miljković and others). He has published two editions of his biography of Rastko Petrović (the first one in 1986, and the second, expanded edition in 2002).

Bojan Jović, works as a researcher at the Literature and Arts Institute in Belgrade. His main field of interest is the European context of Serbian literature in the period between the two world wars. He has published around 60 texts, some of which are devoted to this subject, while others deal with the poetics of Serbian 20th century poetry and prose or with general issues of literary theory.

Gojko Tešić, literary historian, critic and editor of several literary series, magazines and journals. He is employed at the Literature and Arts Institute in Belgrade. His main field of interest are the relations between Serbian literature and other national literatures of the former Yugoslavia in the period between the two world wars, with a special focus on the avant-garde. He has also done substantial research on the work of ideologically proscribed Serbian writers.

Branko Aleksić, poet and essayist, got his Ph.D. from the University of Paris-VIII, France. He has written several comparative studies and edited several anthologies and collections of critical essays devoted to French and Serbian Surrealism, which have been published in Belgrade and Paris. He has also edited a number of special issues devoted to Serbian Surrealism and Surrealists in general for numerous French magazines.

Jasna Jovanov, curator and director of the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection in Novi Sad. Her main professional interests include art history, criticism and theory. She writes scripts for TV programs dealing with art history and the contemporary art scene, and she also translates theoretical and literary works. Her special field of interest is Serbian art from the first half of the 20th century, particularly border areas of modern art such as Dadaism and symbolism.

Milanka Todić, associate professor at the Belgrade Faculty of Applied Arts. She is the author of several books on the history and theory of photography in Serbia. She has organized a number of study, monograph and visiting exhibitions in the country and abroad, and she has participated in a number of international and domestic conferences on 19th and 20th century visual arts.

Dejan Sretenović, the head curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade and the president of the editorial board of the Belgrade Center for Contemporary Art. He is also the editor of the Centre’s Virco series devoted to digital culture and the new media. His areas of interest include the contemporary art scene, forms of visual representation, the new media, cultural technologies and identity and networking policies.

Tatjana Rosić, a researcher at the Literature and Arts Institute in Belgrade. She teaches at the Women Studies Center and the Alternative Educational Network in Belgrade. Her professional interests include literary history, theory and criticism and her special areas of interest are the postmodern phenomena in literary studies as well as cultural and gender studies. She has published two books and numerous essays and studies.

Mihajlo Pantić, contemporary Serbian author, literary critic and university professor. He teaches the history of Serbian literature and creative writing at the Belgrade University’s Faculty of Philology. He has published 25 books so far (including stories, essays, studies and anthologies), and his stories have been translated into 15 languages.