A new issue of international review “Signal” is in preparation

Dear Friend,

We are informing you that we are preparing a new issue of International Review SIGNAL. The theme of the issue is THE TIMES OF SIGNALISM. On the Web sites http://www.miroljubtodorovic.com  under SIGNALISM IN ENGLISH; http://mtodorovic2.blogspot.com - Visual woks, and http://skerovicpoetry.blogspot.com , there is all basic information about Signalism. You should send us your opinion about Signalism and the new art in a form of an essay, critical text or discussion. These contributions can be written in English, French, Spanish, Russian, German and Italian language. We will publish your text in this International Review in the language you used, together with an abstract in Serbian. Beside this textual contribution, you can send us a visual supplement to this discussion about Signalism, which we will also publish. The deadline is December 31st 2007.

Send your work to the following emails: signal@ptt.yu   or  skera@kbcnet.co.yu.

We plan to publish SIGNAL at the beginning of 2008.

To each participant, an issue with his/her published work will be sent by mail, so don’t forget to send us your address. We also ask you to send this letter with our links to your friends writers, critics, artists, all those you think could contribute to this planetary action.

Editors of International Review SIGNAL

Slobodan Škerović           skera@kbcnet.co.yu

Miroljub Todorović         signal@ptt.yu

Address: Miroljub Todorović, Gundulićev venac 21, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

На Растку објављено: 2007-10-06
Датум последње измене: 2007-10-05 21:27:01

Пројекат Растко / Књижевност / Сигнализам