Zhang Wenru and Li Zhiwei

The Rise of BRICS: Strategic Basis, Cooperation Agenda and International Influence

By Zhang Wenru and Li Zhiwei

Извор/Source: International Strategic Studies, 3, 2011, serial No. 101, pp 47-56, China Institute for International Strategic Studies, Beijing, China

Објављено по посебној дозволи у е-библиотеци „Философија рата и мира“ у оквиру Културне мреже „Пројекта Растко“ • Published under a special permission in “Philosophy of War and Peace” E-library by Project Rastko Cultural Network


Abstract: BRICS countries, as growing new economies, have the natural conditions to become big powers as well as the political aspirations for rejuvenation. They have similar stand and demands in international affairs and global governance. Currently , the five countries are focusing on cooperation in the fields of politics and economy in order to lay a more solid foundation of and extend the space for cooperation, and actively participate in global governance. The rise of BRICS will have great impact on the international system in post-crisis era in terms of the global power structure, the setting of the international agenda and the conception of international order.


The term "BRICS" derived from the concept of "BRIC" raised by Goldman Sachs in 2001. The Yekaterinburg Summit 2009 was the prelude to the first meeting of the leaders of China, Russia, India and Brazil. After South Africa joined the group in December 2010, the BRIC became BRICS. In April 2011, the Third Summit of BRICS worked out the direction of future development and the Action Plan of this mechanism. As a cooperation mechanism for emerging powers with wide representation and openness, the rise of BRICS exerts immediate impact and far-reaching influence on the international system in the post-crisis era in terms of the global power structure, the setting of the international agenda, and the conception of international order.

I . Strategic basis for the rise of the BRICS countries

BRICS countries, as growing new economies, have the natural conditions to become big powers and the political aspirations for rejuvenation. They have similar stand and demands in international affairs and global governance. Relying on multilateral cooperation, the five countries are trying to bring into play the collective advantage of emerging powers, so as to create external conditions favorable to their peaceful rising, achieve common development, mutual benefit and all-win, and at the same time, to diversify risks and challenges, and enhance their international influence.

1. Unique natural conditions and potentials for cooperation

Located in Asia, Europe, Africa and South America, the BRICS countries enјoy wide representation and unique advantages in resources, market and culture. The five countries cover nearly 30% of the area of world territory, their population is 42% of the world's total, and they own the largest consumption market and the huge capital market.

The five countries are rich in re-sources, have strong complementarities in their industries, and great potentials for co-operation. China has rich labor resources and a developed manufacturing industry, for which it is reputed as the "World Factory". Brazil is a major power strong in agriculture and abundant in natural re-sources. Its oil and natural gas reserve is listed among the top 10 in the world, so it is known as the " World Farm" and "World Mine". India enjoys advantages in IT industry, service outsourcing, and bio-logical pharmacy, thus being called the "World Office". Russia is a big power in energy and resources, and claims to be the "World Oilfield". South Africa has rich mineral resources. It is the largest economy in Africa, and the gateway and bridge for cooperation between BRICS and African countries. The five countries have complementary advantages, and they are developing new industries, such as plane manufacturing, software, clean energy, etc. to become their new economic growth engines.

2. Political aspirations for common development and peaceful rise

Since the 1990s, the fast pace of globalization has greatly stimulated the worldwide free circulation of the essential factors of production. A group of emerging market economies have seized this historical opportunity, adopted the reform and opening-up policy, actively participated in the resource allocation in the global market, and promoted their economic development. 1 The global financial crisis which started from 2008 revealed the intrinsic contradictions and faults of the capitalist ] economy. The emerging economies such I as China, India and Brazil exhibited their i vitality, as well as their increasing influence in and contribution to the world economy. The gap is narrowing between these emerging economies and the developed Western countries whose economy "suffered a heavy blow". The international political and economic order dominated by Western countries is now facing a pro-found adjustment, and the post-crisis world is undergoing a great transformation.

Relying on the collective advantage of multilateral cooperation among the emerging countries, Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa try to achieve their economic revival and rise to be big powers. Russia aims at entering the world top five and 35, 000 USD for its per capita GDP by 2020. 2 Holding the view that BRICS re-presents the future of the world, Russia tries to fully play its role in the cooperation mechanism of BRICS and enhance its international influence. China is committed to building a well-off society before 2020, and becoming a moderately developed country by the middle of this century. Chi-na believes that enhancing the representation and international voice of developing countries is favorable to world peace and common prosperity. India regards this mechanism as an important platform for cooperation among emerging powers, which has a great potential and a broad prospect. Brazil hopes to strengthen its cooperation with other emerging powers, and integrate itself into the production chain of Asia and the world, so as to pro-mote its own economic development. Both India and Brazil hope to improve their status as political powers and become the permanent members of the UN Security Council. As the largest economy in Africa, South Africa tries to establish its dominant role in the region. It also tries to pro-

The five countries are rich in resources, have strong complementarities in their industries, and great potentials for cooperation. China has rich labor resources and a developed manufacturing industry, for which it is reputed as the "World Factory". Brazil is a major power strong in agriculture and abundant in natural resources. Its oil and natural gas reserve is listed among the top 10 in the world, so it is known as the " World Farm" and "World Mine". India enjoys advantages in IT industry, service outsourcing, and biological pharmacy, thus being called the "World Office". Russia is a big power in energy and resources, and claims to be the "World Oilfield". South Africa has rich mineral resources. It is the largest economy in Africa, and the gateway and bridge for cooperation between BRICS and African countries. The five countries have complementary advantages, and they are developing new industries, such as plane manufacturing, software, clean energy, etc. to become their new economic growth engines.

2. Political aspirations for common development and peaceful rise

Since the 1990s, the fast pace of globalization has greatly stimulated the worldwide free circulation of the essential factors of production. A group of emerging market economies have seized this historical opportunity, adopted the reform and opening-up policy, actively participated in the resource allocation in the global market, and promoted their economic development. 1 The global financial crisis which started from 2008 revealed the intrinsic contradictions and faults of the capitalist economy. The emerging economies such as China, India and Brazil exhibited their vitality, as well as their increasing influence in and contribution to the world economy. The gap is narrowing between these emerging economies and the developed Western countries whose economy "suffered a heavy blow". The international political and economic order dominated by Western countries is now facing a profound adjustment, and the post-crisis world is undergoing a great transformation.

Relying on the collective advantage of multilateral cooperation among the emerging countries, Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa try to achieve their economic revival and rise to be big powers. Russia aims at entering the world top five and 35, 000 USD for its per capita GDP by 2020. 2 Holding the view that BRICS represents the future of the world, Russia tries to fully play its role in the cooperation mechanism of BRICS and enhance its international influence. China is committed to building a well-off society before 2020, and becoming a moderately developed country by the middle of this century. China believes that enhancing the representation and international voice of developing countries is favorable to world peace and common prosperity. India regards this mechanism as an important platform for cooperation among emerging powers, which has a great potential and a broad prospect. Brazil hopes to strengthen its cooperation with other emerging powers, and integrate itself into the production chain of Asia and the world, so as to promote its own economic development. Both India and Brazil hope to improve their status as political powers and become the permanent members of the UN Security Council. As the largest economy in Africa, South Africa tries to establish its dominant role in the region. It also tries to promote the economic development and maintain the interests of African countries through its cooperation with other developing countries.

3. Rising economic and political influence

As growing new powers, the five countries are steadily increasing their contribution to and influence on world economy. In 2010, the shares of the five countries in the world economy and their voting rights in international financial organizations increased, and their contribution to the growth of world economy surpassed 50%. The "GDP of BRICS reached 18% of the world total; their volume of trade reached 15% of the world total, their votes in the World Bank rose to 13.1%, and their share in the International Monetary Fund rose to 14. 18%. In 2010, the economic aggregate amount of China reached 5. 7 trillion USD, i. e. , 9. 3% of the world total, becoming the second largest economy and the third largest owner of voting right. The increased role of BRICS in world economic governance is favorable to safeguarding the interests of developing countries.

As both the power centers in each area and members of several other cooperation mechanisms, the BRICS countries have increased their political radiant power. Rus-sia is a big power in the Eurasia; China and Russia are regarded as the "locomotive" of Shanghai Cooperation Organization; India is the core of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation; Brazil is the advocate of South American Common Market; South Africa is a major country in African Union. While developing bilateral relationships among them, the five countries have formed the mechanisms of the China-Russia-India Trilateral

Forum, the India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum and the BASIC of China, India, Brazil and South Africa. Meanwhile, they are important members of the UN, G20, and Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. All countries of BRICS are members of the UN Security Council this year. This can help the five countries to broaden their diplomatic space through various cooperation platforms, and increase the international influence of emerging market economies.

II. Cooperation agenda for BRICS

The target of cooperation among the BRICS countries is "peace, security, development and cooperation" and their concept of cooperation is "unity and mutual assistance, mutual benefits and all-win, seeking common ground while reserving differences, being open and inclusive, and proceeding step by step". The current focus of five countries' cooperation continues to be on politics and economy in order to consolidate the foundation of and extend the space for cooperation, to achieve "partnership of common development" , to bring into play collective advantage, and to actively participate in global governance.

l.In the field of politics, the BRICS constantly enhances mutual trust, expands common understanding and consolidates unity.

Political mutual trust and institutional construction is the important premise and guarantee for fostering cooperation. Currently, the BRICS countries have established official cooperation mechanisms including formal meeting of heads of state, meeting of senior leaders for security matters, foreign ministers, finance ministers, governors of central banks, and trade ministers, etc.

mote the economic development and maintain the interests of African countries through its cooperation with other developing countries.

3. Rising economic and political influence

As growing new powers, the five countries are steadily increasing their contribution to and influence on world economy. In 2010, the shares of the five countries in the world economy and their voting rights in international financial organizations increased, and their contribution to the growth of world economy surpassed 50%. The "GDP of BRICS reached 18% of the world total; their volume of trade reached 15% of the world total, their votes in the World Bank rose to 13.1%, and their share in the International Monetary Fund rose to 14. 18%. In 2010, the economic aggregate amount of China reached 5. 7 trillion USD, i. e. , 9. 3% of the world total, becoming the second largest economy and the third largest owner of voting right. The increased role of BRICS in world economic governance is favorable to safeguarding the interests of developing countries.

As both the power centers in each area and members of several other cooperation mechanisms, the BRICS countries have increased their political radiant power. Russia is a big power in the Eurasia; China and Russia are regarded as the "locomotive" of Shanghai Cooperation Organization; India is the core of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation; Brazil is the advocate of South American Common Market; South Africa is a major country in African Union. While developing bilateral relationships among them, the five countries have formed the mechanisms of the China-Russia-India Trilateral

Forum, the India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum and the BASIC of China, India, Brazil and South Africa. Meanwhile, they are important members of the UN, G20, and Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. All countries of BRICS are members of the UN Security Council this year. This can help the five countries to broaden their diplomatic space through various cooperation platforms, and increase the international influence of emerging market economies.

II. Cooperation agenda for BRICS

The target of cooperation among the BRICS countries is "peace, security, development and cooperation" and their concept of cooperation is "unity and mutual assistance, mutual benefits and all-win, seeking common ground while reserving differences, being open and inclusive, and proceeding step by step". The current focus of five countries' cooperation continues to be on politics and economy in order to consolidate the foundation of and extend the space for cooperation, to achieve "partnership of common development" , to bring into play collective advantage, and to actively participate in global governance.

1. In the field of politics, the BRICS constantly enhances mutual trust, expands common understanding and consolidates unity.

Political mutual trust and institutional construction is the important premise and guarantee for fostering cooperation. Currently, the BRICS countries have established official cooperation mechanisms including formal meeting of heads of state, meeting of senior leaders for security matters, foreign ministers, finance ministers, governors of central banks, and trade ministers, etc.

The Sanya Summit 2011 has put forward some new suggestions for steadily promoting institutional construction. Decisions have been made to hold meetings of coordinators or deputy coordinators of BRICS, to establish the secretariat of Business Forum and the liaison group, to hold conferences of Ministers of Public Health, to establish cooperation forum for friendly cities and local governments, to set up the network to link research centers of member states, and to form a BRICS-UNESCO working group to study common strategy with the authorization of UNESCO. In terms of international affairs, in order to strengthen strategic coordination and unify stand, the BRICS has decided to hold foreign ministers' meetings during the session of UN General Assembly, to hold informal meetings irregularly for representatives to international organizations in New York and Geneva, and to strengthen consultations within the G20.

Persist in the double-track (governmental and non-governmental) dialogue mechanism to expand multi-level and multi-layer communication and cooperation. By taking advantage of various bilateral and multilateral platforms, the BRICS countries try to fully play the roles of their governments, corporations, think tanks, experts, populace and mass and civil organizations. The other efforts include: strengthening high-level exchanges and strategic dialogues, and enhancing policy coordination; caring about the core interests and concerns of each other; seeking common ground while reserving differences; mitigating contradictions and relieving suspicions; broadening humane exchanges; increasing cooperation and enhance mutual understanding in the fields of public health, culture and sports; improving stra­tegic coordination and political mutual trust, and coping with the dividing, coercing and luring practices of the US and other Western countries. The BRICS countries remain cautious in increasing new members, agreeing not to consider expansion in the near future, in order to avoid the situation that it becomes more difficult to coordinate the interests of the parties or the existing differences and conflicts become more projected.

2. In the field of economy, the BRICS deepens economic reform, broadens pragmatic cooperation, and promotes economic growth and the integration of interests.

Economic factor is an important nexus among the five countries. The BRICS countries are faced with the following common tasks: reforming flawed economic structure, achieving scientific and technical innovation, changing the mode of development, promoting economic links for common development, and lowering the reliance on external market and developed countries. Closer economic cooperation can enhance the integration of interests, increase interdependence, reduce trade frictions, and resolve contradictions in competition.

Firstly, BRICS countries regard their complementary advantages and the development of new industries as the breakthrough point for widening bilateral and multilateral cooperation. 1) Give play to the complementary advantages in capital, resources, market, science and technology as well as human resources to promote their cooperation in investment, commerce, business, labor, outsourcing projects and energy. 2) Quicken the steps of developing and integrating China's comparative advantage in new and high technology, Brazil's in bio-fuel and clean energy, India's in information technology and Russia's in nuclear power to create new highlights in new energy, new technology, new materials and green economy, etc.

Secondly, BRICS countries invest more efforts in cooperation and expand their cooperation fields, so as to ensure the momentum of robust economic growth. During the first decade of the 21st century, the average growth rate of state-state trade between the five countries was 28%. The trade volume increased by 15 times to almost 230 billion USD. 3 The First Conference of Trade Ministers of BRICS worked out the framework and measures for trade cooperation at the next stage, in order to uplift the level of their economic and trade cooperation. At the first Business Forum, the "MOU on Establishing Business Liaison Mechanism" was passed, showing that the cooperation among the five countries has expanded to the field of industry and commerce. The five countries also decided to establish an open finance cooperation system. They signed "Framework Agreement on Inter-bank Cooperation", which includes steadily increasing the settlement in local carrency and loan transaction, facilitating trade and investment; strengthening the investment and financing cooperation in resources, new and high technology, low carbon and environment protection; and carrying out cooperation in capital market, etc.

3. In the international arena, the BRICS countries insists on sustainable development, and actively pushes forward the global governance and democratization of international relations.

The BRICS insists on "sustainable development", proposes that economic growth should be coordinated with new energy development, high-tech innovation and global environment protection; It advocates strengthening global governance on the basis of mutual respect and collective decision-making, and promoting multilateral diplomacy and democratization of international relations.

Firstly, emphasizing that UN and G20 should play important role in global governance. The BRICS countries advocate that UN should play the central role in dealing with global challenges and threats, and that G20, as the main forum of international economic cooperation, should play greater role in global economic governance. The governance structure of the international financial organizations should reflect the changes of world economic situation, and should increase the say and representation of emerging economies and developing countries.

Secondly, strengthening multilateral cooperation in international finance and trade to continuously promote global economic growth. This involves the following: 1) Enhance supervision and reform on international finance by appealing for attention to the risks of massive cross-border capital flows faced by emerging economies, enhance supervision over the finance market of staple commodities such as food and energy to stabilize the relationship between supply and demand, and enhance the support of capital and technology to developing countries. 2) Meet the reform target of International Monetary Fund determined by G20 Summit to establish a stable, reliable and widely-based international monetary reserve system. 3) Support the robust, open and regulation-based multilateral trade system represented by WTO. 4) Promote the South-South Cooperation between BRICS and other developing countries through the Business Liai­son Group.

Thirdly, making more efforts in developing and using renewable energy, and establishing a technology partnership mechanism to deal with global issues such as food, climate and environmental pollution. The BRICS countries call for more international cooperation in eliminating poverty and realizing the Millennium development target by 2015. They support the multilateral environment agreements including the Rio Declaration, the Agenda for 21st Century and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, etc., and advocate reaching all-round, balanced and binding results for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocohas per the principles of fairness and " common but differentiated responsibilities".

III. Problems and challenges faced by the rise of BRICS countries

The BRICS is a dialogue mechanism evolved from economic concept. Currently, the five countries' political will and actual demands for cooperation become stronger. Anyhow, due to different national conditions and policies, the five countries still have many internal differences and contradictions. The cooperation and competition coexist, and there is still big gap between the potential for cooperation and the actual influence.

1. Internally, the five countries are not closely connected geographically, and are at different levels and stages of development, face different problems, and have conflict of interests in some fields.

1) Located in four continents, the five countries can not enjoy an overall geopolitical advantage despite their wide geographic representativeness. 2)Some countries lack strategic mutual trust due to historic grievances and interest disputes. For example, China and India have territorial disputes; the tri-lateral relations among China, Russia and India are both dependent on each other for support and being mutually held in check. 3 ) The BRICS countries are at the early stage of development, which is characterized by high growth rate and high energy consumption. They have similar industrial structures, the same main export destinations, so they face serious problem of homogeneous competition. 4 For example, on the trade policy on agricultural products, Brazil supports trade liberalization, while China and India tend to protect the domestic market. 4) As for how to reform the international system and how to allocate the international rights transferred by developed countries, the BRICS can hardly reach consensus on the policies and stands due to different interests. Russia emphasizes reforming the current international finance system; South Africa calls for protection of African interests; India and Brazil try to make the BRICS mechanism as the stepping stone to becoming permanent members of UN Security Council.

2. Externally, the collective rise of emerging countries arouses vigilance at and precaution against the BRICS cooperation, and disturbances and pressures from outside will further increase.

Firstly, the US and other major Western countries in Europe employ the dual tactics of hooking in and dividing the BRICS. They intentionally make use of, instigate and exacerbate the inner contradictions and differences of the member states of BRICS. Secondly, the major Western countries impose more international obligations on the BRICS and other emerging economies in excuse of "sharing responsibilities". After the financial crisis broke out, the "China Model" attracted both expectations and worries from the international community, and the new type of "China Threat Theory" popped up. Thirdly, the dominant position of US dollar has not fundamentally changed, the North-South gap remains big, and there still exist the reliance of BRICS on the Western countries. Currently, the share of BRICS in world economy is only 15%, while that of the US is almost one third. The BRICS countries are still in a disadvantageous position in terms of high technology, international finance, economic management, personnel training and production efficiency, etc.

The above contradictions and obstacles pose challenges to the rising of BRICS and the growth of this mechanism. If these problems could not be solved in time, they would obstruct the effective operation of this mechanism.

IV. The international influence of the rise of the BRICS

The international system in the post-crisis era is undergoing historical changes in global power structure, the setting of the international agenda, and the conception of international order. The BRICS, as an open and broadly representative cooperation mechanism of emerging powers, will exert immediate impact and far-reaching influence on the international system in the post-crisis era in the above-mentioned three aspects.

1. With regard to the global power structure, it symbolizes that the emerging powers are moving progressively and peacefully "from the margin to the center".

The existing international order is the heritage of WWII. The developed Western countries dominate the UN Security Council and the international financial and monetary organizations, thus occupying the central status in international politics and economy, while the developing countries are marginalized, and forming the power structure of "leader" vs. " subordinates". After the disintegration of the bipolar structure, the rapid development of globalization stimulates the flow of capital, products and labor around the world, and facilitates the rising of the emerging market economies, as well as enhances the interdependence of various countries. As a result, the power structure of "One Super-power and Several Major Powers" came into being. In the early 21st century, resolution of global issues calls for the efforts of the whole international community. The riots in West Asia and North Africa and the nuclear crisis in Japan show that the world situation becomes more and more instable and unpredictable. The Western major powers headed by the U. S. and the international governance mechanism dominated by them are incapable to deal with and resolve various new challenges the international community now faces. 5

Against this background, the BRICS and G20 came into being, which represent the interest demands of the emerging market economies and developing countries, such as requesting for greater international voice. The developed Western countries deem that the establishment and development of BRICS is the wind vane of the shift of world power, and constitutes a major impact on the current international order dominated by the US. The economic cooperation of BRICS implies geopolitical factors. The world financial crisis originated from the US in 2008 further weakened the economic strength and the international impact of the Western countries just like rubbing salt into their wounds, and sped up the shift of economic growth center and power center to Asia countries and emerging powers. The global power structure shows a trend in which "one superpower is weakened and several other powers are changing their positions". O'Neill, who proposes the concept of "BRIC", predicts that the share of BRICS in world economy will surpass G7 by 2050.

The BRICS rises from current international system, and its growth must be progressive and peaceful. It won't be the extreme "challenge or revolution" to current international order. Firstly, the BRICS sticks to the cooperation principles of "openness, inclusiveness and non-confrontation", and is dedicated to establishing "partnership for common development". The five countries show their great concern over the development process of world politics and economy, the international situation and the major international issues. This shows that the five countries wish to establish a fair and rational new order of international politics and economy while unfolding pragmatic cooperation within the mechanism. The BRICS has become a booster of South-South Cooperation and an important bridge for South-North Dialogue. Secondly, the overall strength of BRICS countries is still limited and they are incapable to shape the new international order by themselves alone. The BRICS countries still have to rely heavily on external markets and the Western economies, so they need to constantly enhance mutual political trust, deepen pragmatic cooperation and implement various policies and common understanding, so as to bring their collective advantages into play. Thirdly, the US' status as a superpower remains, and the international order dominated by the US can not be changed in a short period of time. In the meanwhile, the Western countries are making greater efforts to divide and coerce the emerging powers. In view of that, the BRICS countries must have dialogue and cooperation with the Western developed economies, and jointly push forward the reform of global governance and the establishment of new international order under the multilateral framework.

2. In terms of the setting of the international agenda, reforming global governance mechanism, increasing the say of emerging powers and promoting democratization of international relations have become the important topics.

The current major mechanisms for global governance are the UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, G8 and G20. Among them the first five are important tools for Western countries to maintain the international order dominated by them since WWII. Formed during the period of international financial crisis, G20 is the dialogue platform between G7 and the emerging powers. The BRICS cooperation mechanism is a beneficial supplement to the current international order. The BRICS wishes to increase the share of emerging economies in global governance organizations, to unfold multilateral cooperation with the developed economies and the international institutions dominated by them through this mechanism and the G20, to mutually coordinate the stand on the issues like global climate change, international rules' making and reforming, etc., and to increase their say in global governance, so as to safeguard and expand the interests of emerging economies.

Giving one of the priorities of its foreign policy to the cooperation with BRICS countries, Russia underscores cooperation to promote sustainable development, and to protect the interests of emerging market economies and developing countries. Seeing BRICS as a high-level cooperation platform for developing countries, Brazil deems that the emerging economies will play a more and more important role in international and regional affairs. India advocates reforming the global governance mechanism, attaching importance to development issues and increasing investment to developing countries. South Africa emphasizes the joint efforts to reform the international monetary system by increasing the say and representation of developing countries, so as to achieve common development. China hopes to gain the initiative in multilateral agenda with the backing of BRICS countries, and to preserve the important period of strategic opportunity. 6

The BRICS countries are an important force to push forward the democratization of international relations. The five countries advocate reforming the UN and the Security Council, and understand and support developing countries' demand for a greater role in the UN. In 2011, as all being members of the Security Council, the five countries have exchanged views on the Libyan issue and other regional hotspot issues in Middle East, North Africa and West Asia, underscoring that the independence, unity and territorial integrity of each sovereign nation should be respected. They call for abandoning the use of force and resolving disputes through peaceful means and dialogues.

3. As for the conception of international order, it presents an inclusive notion of co-existence of the pluralistic civilizations and the diversified modes of development, illustrating the harmonious idea of sharing prosperity.

The BRICS countries include emerging economies in Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa. The five countries have different histories and cultures, with Chinese civilization, Russian civilization, Indian civilization, Samba culture and Zulu culture having each own characteristics. But the political will and actual demands for cooperation among the five countries have surpassed the dissimilarity of their ideologies, values, cultural traditions, political systems and levels of development. 7 Western researchers have pointed out that the world politics is undergoing changes in ideas and doctrines of global order. The principles of "democracy, free market and military power" and the power structure of "hegemony and caste system" held by the Western countries have been questioned by the emerging powers, 8 and "the world is entering a stage when power is more dispersed". 9

The collective rise of BRICS countries shows a new mode of development different from that of the Western capitalism. The anti-crisis capabilities of the emerging economies during the financial crisis, the Oriental way of management and the "Chinese Model" have attracted wide-spread attention in the international community. This new management mode combines the Western market economy and effective state intervention, organically blend together the openness, multilateralism, rules foundation and sovereignty doctrine, social stability, multilateral governance and inclusive development, hence a "discarding" of the existing thoughts and principles of international order.

The BRICS should spend more ef­forts on theoretical and strategic studies of the global issues and global governance, and provide intellectual support to enrich its concept of cooperation and long-term planning. By raising its level of cooperation and increasing its influence, the BRICS will provide novel experience for and produce demonstrating effect upon the world's diversified, pluralistic and inclusive development, thus playing a positive role in promoting the establishment of a new international political and economic order.

To sum up, the rise of the BRICS, on the one hand, reflects the interest demands of the vast developing countries and the constantly increasing influence of the emerging economies, and becomes an important driving force for the reform of global governance; on the other hand, the BRICS cooperation mechanism has just started and is incapable yet to reshape the international order, nor can it have a direct confrontation with the West. In the post-crisis era when globalization is speeding up and the interdependence of international society is steadily increasing, the Western countries headed by the US and the emerging powers represented by BRICS will have to participate in global governance in an open and cooperative manner, so as to maintain world stability and realize common development.


  1. Jin Canrong: "The Rise of the BRICS: Strategic Impact and Prospect", China Network, URL<http://www.china.com.cn/economic/txt/2011-04/11/content_22330719.htm>.
  2. "Vladimir Putin's Report on the Government's Work in 2010", Russian Government Network, April 20, 2011.
  3. "The BRICS Countries Will Establish a Liaison Group for Trade and Economic Cooperation", Xinthua Network, URL<http://news.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2011-04/13/c121300513.htm>.
  4. Wang Yongzhong: "The Economic Resultant of Forces Help the BRICS to Rise Together", Chinese Social Sciences Journal, the 179th issue, URL<http://www.sspress.cass.cn?news/19896.htm>.
  5. Huang Renwei: "The Rise of the BRICS and the Global Governance System", The Contemporary World, URL <http://www.ddsjcn.com/11-5/11-5-8.htm>.
  6. "The BRICS Summit: the Leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, and South Africa Discuss Cooperation among the BRICS Countries", China News Network, URL<http://www.hi.chinanews.com/hnnew/2011-04-14/141588.html>.
  7. Qin Xiaoying: "The Rise of the BRICS", China Youth Daily , May 2, 2011.
  8. Ikenberry , John: "The Future of the Liberal World Order", Foreign Affairs (USA), May/June 2011. I (the author of this article) do not support this opinion, but the article quotes the conclusion reached by many Western observers holding this opinion for analysis.
  9. Hubert-Rodier, Jacques:"G8, G20: What is the Framework of World Governance?" in Les Echos, May 31, 2011.

(Translated by Cai Hui)

На Растку објављено: 2012-02-06
Датум последње измене: 2012-02-06 01:44:08

Пројекат Растко / Философија / Философија рата и мира