Style 2011


13 Zamir K. Tarlanov (Petrozavodsk)
The role of folklore traditions in The Journey from Petersburg to Moscow by A. N. Radishev
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The article is devoted to the XVIII century as one of the most important stages of the formation of literary Russian. The development and democratization literary language process is being covered considering European influence on the one side and Russian one on the other – the latter especially appears in Radishev’s The Journey from Petersburg to Moscow in purely folklore respect. The main points of inquiry are set on Radishev’s role in politics/philosophy terms’ system formation existed in the early period of literary Russian.
It is also stated that The Journey from Petersburg to Moscow includes broad range of various folklore components scaling from folklore phraseology (sayings and expressions) to folklore genres’ types taken as a whole which solve the stylistic and artistic problems. Facts like that display the genuine folk core features corresponding with main stream of literary Russian development taken place at the close of XVIII century. From the author’s standpoint any objective appreciation of the literary-folk tradition ratio in Radishev’s works disregarding such moments seems impossible.

19 Maria P. Kotyurova (Perm)
Stereotyped character of scientific speech (On the material of scientific articles)
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In the article stereotyped textual units which are necessary for involvement of the idea (the main concept) into cognitive process are considered in discourse-stylistic aspect. It is scientifically and methodologically important for culture of written scientific speech.

33 Milosav Ž. Čarkić (Belgrade)
On Beginnings of Rhyme in Serbian Poetry

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After an extensive analysis of the beginnings of rhyme in the first preserved records of Serbian poetry, several conclusions can be inferred on the basis of comparison of the analysed varieties: ritual poetry, lyrical poetry, epic poetry, bugarstica, church poetry, artistic poetry. Firstly, the language in which the Serbian poetry was written and orally created, viewed in total, is the original old Serbian language that had been formed in the epoch before advent of Christ. Secondly, the emergence of rhyme and almost identical manners of distribution of rhyme: along the vertical and along the horizontal – rhyme on clauses of verses, rhyme in median positions, rhyme in final positions, rhyme at the end and beginning of different verses, rhyme at the beginning and end of the same verse, rhyme within one or another hemistich, distant, contact rhyme, etc. – indicate that there had been mutual influences among existing varieties of Serbian poetry. Thirdly, this proves that the Serbian poetry had since its very beginnings till its first preserved records been and remained autochthonous. Fourthly, there is a realistic assumption that various types of the Serbian poetry were written by the same talented authors, leaving it to their people for use and possible improvement. Fifthly, this proves that poetry of high artistic values, eliciting admiration of the whole cultural and educated world, could not have been created by individuals and entire people that had been uncultivated and culturally underdeveloped. Sixthly, any attempt to bring the earliest Serbian poetry into association with Greek (or perhaps Latin) poetry is a scientific falsehood and distortion of historical facts.

65 Larisa A. Kalmulina (Ufa)
The Pragmatic Aspects of the Category of Emotiveness

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The article is devoted to the main notions of Pragmatics which bear a relation to language representation of emotional states and relationships. The author pays special attention to speech acts which implement emotive potential of language units. On the one part it deals with emotion expression of a subject of speech, and on the other part with emotional influence on a recipient. The author analyses differences between emotive and emotive evaluating speech acts and their possible emotional effect with the help of such terms as “illocutive aim” and “perlocutive task”. Several problems connected with the categories of expressivity and evaluation are solved within the work. This categories presuppose realization of pragmatic function of influence on the speech addressee.

83 Јán Findra (Banská Bystrica)
Models of depth and surface structures of the text

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In a process of communication activity, there arise both socially (typologically) diff erentiated and model related texts, which are varied, modified also individually. This fact legitimizes an idea about textual models, which are, as invariant formulas (paradigms), bound to a sphere langue. As model structures, they represent the rules, the regularities, the mechanisms of a construction of concrete texts (a sphere of parole). Because a text is a bilateral unit, a process of text formation is based both on the models of depth text organization (coherence) and on the models of surface text organization (connection). In this process, there is supposed horizontal-vertical synchronization of functional components and partial elements of depth and surface structures of the text. Contentual text models and formal text models did not force themselves out directly, but by means of genre models, which condition immediately individual form of created text. The genre is a model space for unrepeatable intersection of variant and invariant, general and unique, social and individual within a concrete text. Though genre model has got also synchronously standardized form, there can occur its partial modification on diachronic axis. The expedient ought to have an awareness about text models anchored to his communication competency, with the view to functional actualizing them in the time of a creation of actual text. Only so he will be independent as an author, and the life the language, the life of the idea, the life of the text and the life of interpersonal communication will not be boring.

91 Irina A. Shirova (Sankt-Peterburg)
On Complexity of World, Text and Cognition: Methodological Aspect

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The current situation in modern world and modern science, where complex entities and complex thinking domineer, makes scholars in text-linguistics focus on complexity of text and fictional text, in particular. As a multidimensional phenomenon, fictional text has been characterized in numerous researches; however, its semantic, structural and functional “measurements” are still treated in different ways. What causes this variety is the complexity of text itself, the complexity of the world, reflected in the text, and the complexity of human being, who cannot study either the world, or the text, ignoring her\his individual reaction. To solve the problems of fictional text, scholar, who has turned into the conceptual focus of modern scientific research, should take into consideration the complex nature of fiction. His methods of study can balance this complexity; the examples are modeling and building up binary oppositions of characters. No less efficient, however, are interdisciplinary research strategies, which, on the opposite, correlate with text complexity. In both cases, the problems are sure to be solved more successfully from new methodological positions.

105 Marina A. Vengranovich (Tolyati)
Figurative concrete definition as a basic stylistic feature of the folklore text

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The article touches upon the problem of the stylistic peculiarities of the folklore type of the figurative concrete definition compare to figurative concrete definition in literary text. The author considers this problem in the boundaries of the functional approach, which presupposes the study of any kind of the text in the dialectal unity of two sides – textual and extralinguistic. According to this approach the author distinguishes three types of the figurative concrete definitions (comparative, graded, linear), which are determined by the complex of extralinguistic factors (folklore thinking, the generalizing method in folklore) and which are distinguished by the creation of the image. The author analyses linguistic forms of realization of the figurative concrete definition on different levels of the text.

121 Tatyana V. Radzievskaya (Kiev)
A. Potebnya as a critic: peculiarities of book-reviewing style

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The paper represents an attempt to analyze peculiarities of book-reviewing style of A. Potebnya (1835–1891), an outstanding Ukrainian and Russian linguist, professor of Harkov University. One of the best examples of his critical works is a book-review of P. Zhitetsky’s study of Ukrainian language “Essay on the sound history of Little Russian dialect”. Potebnya’s book-review published in 1879 contains a fundamental critical analysis (76 pages) which comprehensively elucidates the problems of historical phonetics of Ukrainian and other Slavic languages. It is known as an important work in this field of linguistics. For this book-review Potebnya was awarded the Gold Uvarov medal, a honourable award of the Emperor’s Academy of Sciences in Russia.
Potebnya’s review shows both individual stylistic features of critical analysis and ones of book-reviewing manifested in the context of academic discourse of 19 century through specific types of critical reacting. These include critical remarks about vagueness of means of expression, unclearness, lack of strictness, poor argumentation creating difficulties while text reception and its understanding. Other types of critical reacting are disproves, critical comments and cases of nonadequate citing.
The examination of Potebnya’s types of critical reacting shows that the main factor of style formation deals with the intention of a search of truth and doesn’t deal with evaluation.

135 Andrey Stoyanovich (Belgrade)
The conditionality of accusative structures with a preposition “za” in a scientific style of the Serbian language

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In the national literature and dictionaries, the accusative with a preposition za (+ non-deverbative noun) has not yet been associated with the conditionality. This is the main reason why the stereotypical accusative structures with a preposition za (+ nondeverbative noun) in the function of the condenser of if-clauses are singled out on the material of Serbian scientific and research texts of ХIX–XXI century.

147 Irina V. Bugaeva (Moscow)
Demotivators as a new genre in Internet communications: genre signs, functions, structure

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Article is devoted the analysis demotivator as one of new genres of Internet communications. A research objective is definition of the basic genre characteristics, functions, structures, stylistic features of a new polycode genre. Demotivator is considered, on the one hand, as an independent electronic genre, a version of the impersonal form of the mass communication which feature consists in a communication channel and in functioning sphere, on the other hand, as the new and specific speech genre having own communicatively-pragmatical characteristics. Demotivator, as well as other modern polycode texts, demand interdisciplinary researches with attraction not only methods of linguistics of the text, but also semiotics, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics and the communications theory.

159 Irina V. Smusinskaya (Kiev)
Fiction text as an object of linguo-stylistic analysis

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The article highlights different approaches to fiction text analysis taking into account structural-semiotic and rhetorical-hermeneutical paradigms. Special attention is given to linguistic-poetic approach and the categories of literary and ambiguity. Specific relations of poetic function and reference are considered. Well-known theories of Roland Barthes, Roman Jacobson, Umberto Eko, Groupe μ, are discussed. Literature semiosis and valorization are touched upon: text generation is presented as global semiosis which creates probable world of esthetical reality. Splitting reference, multidimentional nature, set of categories are ascribed to the fiction text as factors which predetermine its structure.

169 Radmilo Maroyevich (Belgrade)
Metrical and non-metrical accents
(prosodic-intonational interpretation of the text “Lucha microcosm”)

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This study deals with prosodic and intonational structure of the epic “Lucha microcosm” by Petar II Petrović Njegoš, including accents (metrical and non-metrical, main and subsidiary), the rules of distribution of metrical and non-metrical accents, аs well as the meaning of phraseological units, inversion and tone components (particularly: possible accentuation of fourth syllable) important for identification of the order of metrical and non-metrical accent.

177 Alma Chishich (Tuzla)
Repetition as a Structural Element of a Poetic Text

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The subject of this research is works focusing on repetition as a structural element of a poetic text. Thus when we have a literary work, all authors agree that it is on the basis of the text that the recipient of a message should establish the specific language which forms the basis of artistic communication. Then the features of the message become features of the code and any regulation of the text can be seen as the bearer of meaning. Therefore, if, in the text they create, a poet finds additional elements of order in relation to the natural language, then the reader acts in the same manner discovering some additional elements in the poetic work, which include repetition. So each repetition brings with it a certain expressive and emotional force, which is in fact a stylistic feature. Every particular, subsequent organization of a text points to the fact that a stylistically marked text is at issue. Every existence of contextual meanings reveals additional meanings, in fact stylistic ones. With regard to this, the aforesaid authors stress that repetitions occur as elements of the structure of a poetic text. According to these authors, the repetition of sound, rhythm, rhyme, verse and tropes represent a corpus for a higher synthetic form, the poem.

183 Marina A. Marishova (Moscow)
The Stylistic Function of Parcellation in Texts of Different Genres

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The article deals with the analysis of fragmentary sentences functions in the modern language. For the first, different actual functions of this linguistic phenomenon are considered in the fiction of Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev. The official term for this stylistic method in research works of Russian linguists is “parceling” from 1951. However, there isn’t the integrated definition of parceling yet. The phenomenon is multifaceted and multifunctional. Fragmentary sentences are used especially in styles of speech, for which laws of expressive syntax are the most topical. In this article functions of parcelling are described in the fiction, in media and as a causal method of language of advertising. The main functions are communicative-pragmatic, an actualization of the perception of recipients, the individual author’s suggestion of information. The last of the named functions are the most actual for modern media. The fragmentary sentences belong to the field of expressive syntax. In the capacity of the special stylistic device is used hard core in the language of advertising. In this field fragmentary sentences are the most general spin control pragmatic realization of possibilities. The language of advertising acquires its stylistic features. The main purpose of any publicity communication, videlicet, influence upon recipients as much as possible with fragmentary sentences. The important addition is that fragmentary sentences are considered as the most significant for the modern basic tendencies of development of a language.

195 Ksenya Koncharevich (Belgrade)
On Some Norms and Traditions of the Old Ritualists’ Communicative Culture

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The paper is dedicated to the complex and systematic description of the communicative culture of the Old Ritualists (Old Believers) in Russian speaking and social-cultural environment from the normative and descriptive perspective, according to the situational model of description, with the explanation of specific characteristics of the communicative behaviour of Russian Orthodox Old Ritualists’ Church, which make them different from those of the believers of the majority Russian Orthodox Church.
The author finds out that a number of endemic and non-equivalent communicative facts and phenomena is characteristic for the members of Russian Orthodox Old Ritualists’ Church when compared to the communicative behaviour of the members of the majority Russian Orthodox Church; the differences are also noticeable in the degrees of the manifestation of individual communicative characteristics on the level of verbal behaviour of Old Ritualists in some standard communicative situations and communicative spheres, as well as, in their nonverbal communicative behaviour and also in the field of social symbolism.

207 Milosav Veshovich, Zoran Rankovich (Belgrade)
On one Meaning of the Lexeme πίστις in the Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle

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In his Areopagus epistle, St. Paul the Apostle used the lexeme πίστης denoting a meaning that the Athenian philosophers were familiar with – “a proof”. This meaning of the word was often found in the Hellenic tradition (Democritus, Plato, Aristotle, Diogenes Laertius, Polybius, Josephus Flavius). The equivalent in the Serbian Slavonic language, as used in the aforementioned epistle, can be understood as “proof”.

213 Ivana Knezevich (Belgrade)
Intertextuality as a distinctive feature of the scientific style – with an accent to the theological scientific works in English and Serbian languages

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This paper deals with one of the most prominent characteristics of the style of scientific works in general, i.e. a unique type of communication between one serious scientific work and its “predecessors” – intertextuality. Particular attention is paid to this characteristic and its distinctness in theological scientific works in English and Serbian languages.
The most prominent types of intertextulaity are mentioned, like citation or a quotation from an authoritative source, indirect speech or paraphrasing another’s words, and simple referring just to a particular author, the title of and the year, without stating the particular text itself or retelling it in the new scientific work. All these are being illustrated by particular examples taken from theological scientific works in English and Serbian languages.

225 Lidiya Tanturovska (Skopje)
The Language Expression of St. Clement

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Today, a new dimension is being given to the church-religious style of writing in the studies of writing styles as it has its own particularities both regarding contents and the writing style itself. In view of the fact that these are translated texts, there are some disagreements as regards the definitions used, as well as the use of different terms such as: religious style (Mistrik, 1992), religious language (Makuchowska, 1992), Biblical style (Bieńkowska, 1993), etc.
With this review of the reading of St Clement’s texts, we would like to point out that they are only a small part of the texts representing the religious functional-stylistic complex which we believe will be given greater attention in future.
In this article, we have tried to include the language expression of St Clement within the framework of the research in writing styles.

233 Zoritsa Nikitovich (Skopje)
Compounds functioning as stylistic devices

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The paper has been presenting compounds functioning as stylistic devices, such as metaphors, antonomasia and epithets, based on a selected corpus, which consists of excerpts from The Life of St. Sava and Lives of Serbian Kings and Archbishops by Danilo II. In order to establish their stylistic function, wider contexts, within which compounds are being semantically realized, have been selected out of the corpus. The tropes selected are those which, until now, have not been particularly emphasized in stylistic research of the old literature, namely metaphor and antonomasia. The hypothesis of the paper has been that, besides their esthetic function, compounds in the general lexical system of the Serbian language of the Middle Ages, have their own semantic, sacral function, with which they “impel the medieval reader into an intensive mental activity, thus provoking deep emotions when experiencing the sacral essence behind an intensified, unordinary expression”.

245 Klara E. Stein (Sevastopol)
Philology and natural-science knowledge

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The philology is connected with natural-science knowledge. In natural-science sphere scientists constantly face linguistic problems as use natural language not only in the empirical description, but also at high levels of abstraction, and linguists face the same problems in the process of transition from classical to nonclassical knowledge, to different scientific paradigms: it is necessary to regulate conformity of terms, a meta language of the description of this or that object.
Physicists are seriously interested in language and art possibilities. To overcome limitation of classical physics language at the description of the phenomena of quantum physics N. Bor introduced a complementarity principle according to which incompatible concepts are considered as equally necessary for the characteristic of the phenomena of nuclear physics, they do not contradict, but supplement each other. In a formulation of a principle of a complementarity N. Bor relied on features of the literature, language of works of art, used poetic criterion of harmonious completeness in the description that is based on mutually exclusive concepts.
Physicists always dreamed of a special language of science which would precisely define their difficult objects and concepts. For descriptions of experimental results the mathematical language is usually used. But the mathematical language has the limited applicability in the nonclassical physics, therefore physicists address to a poetic language where the logic order of images is often established on the basis of harmonious coverage of mutually exclusive concepts that helps also with a simple causal explanation of the facts, and the description of difficult states of mind.
V. Gejzenberg, who considered applicability of classical knowledge terms to the microcosm description, entered an uncertainty principle. He asserts that values of classical physics concepts, such as particle, wave, radiation, field etc., do not define precisely objects and the phenomena of quantum physics, therefore terms of classical physics are necessary to use in the nonclassical physics as metaphors, words with indistinct value.
The problem of a scientific metaphor in language of natural sciences is especially actual in the XXI century, during an epoch of postnonclassical rationality. In modern natural-science and humanitarian knowledge the question of methodological efficiency of scientific metaphors is actively developed. And philology experience is irreplaceable here.

257 Adzhua I. Bairamukova (Karachaevo)
“Pictures of Russian life” V. I. Dalja: philological priorities of the author

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Language of “Pictures of Russian life” V. I. Dalja connects various zones of a reality of an ordinary life and even leaves for its limits. Live Russian speech of “Pictures of Russian life” is the spokesman of the life of the Russian person in all its versatile displays – in a family and public life, in spiritual culture, in the field of national knowledge and a folk art. Russian word “Pictures of Russian life” of V. I. Dalja, keeping for the future generations national consciousness and national memory, expresses a traditional moral both public ideal and orthodox belief. All it testifies that V. I. Dal – writer and the composer of Russian Explanatory dictionary was simultaneously the ethnographer collecting diversified data about a life of Russian people.
“Pictures of Russian life” have reflected specificity of ethnic consciousness and a cultural phenomenon of the Russian person. V. I. Dalja’s picture researches are allocated with completeness of coverage of a material that has been caused applied by it phenomenological and germenevtical by the approach to drawing up of pictures. Accumulative function of “Pictures of Russian life” is shown in concentration and synthesising of diverse life experience. “Pictures of Russian life” store verbal memory of Russian people, “eternal trues” and “not passing values”, and also “recipes” of the decision of daily problems.

271 Ana Peyanovich (Nikshich)
Phraseology and precedent phenomena in the poetics of a literary text
(The Force by Branko Brdjanin Bajovic)

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This article analyses the role of the phraseological linguistic level and precedent phenomena (catchwords) in a work’s poetics. Studying the text of the novel Сила (The Force) by Branko Brdjanin Bajovic we have made an attempt to point out the importance and the function of the given linguistic units in the poetics of the text.

277 Anita Huťková (Banská Bystrica)
Not Just Any Parachute or What Does “Golden Parachute” Mean?

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In our study Not Just Any Parachute or What Does “Golden Parachute” Mean? we have focused on a phraseme/idiom dostať padáka (literally *to get the parachute that means to get the boot) and a professionalism zlatý padák (golden parachute). On the platform of comparative approach in several selected languages we have followed up their extension of content and semantics, their connotations and form, as well as an updated version dostať zlatého padáka (literally *to get the golden parachute) which we have identified as phraseological/idiomatic contamination (in Slovak only). In the background of the mentioned phraseme/idiom we have also walked on the issues of phraseme/idiom variants and updates, motivation and intertextuality, idiomatic analogy and analogical idiomatics etc.

287 Elena O. Bobrovskaya (Minsk)
Gender code as a reflection of modern gender position (syntactic aspect)

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Language code that is the syntactic code, lexical, morphological, etc. have a gender component, the so-called gender code, which can be expressed explicitly by means of each layer of language. Genderance permeates the entire language, not only and not just individual layers of its system. It is right to define gender code in linguistics as invariant reflection of gender roles through the clarification of gender oppositions by analysis of means of each language layer. Thus, the gender code in linguistics is represented by filling the gender oppositions with language means. There are eight gender binary oppositions. The subject of our research is means of expressing of syntactic modality in gender aspect. The authors of the modern novel reflect stereotypes of modern people, i.e. stereotypes of male and female mind, stereotypes of masculine and feminine behavior, with the interpretation of author-women and author-men. Binary opposition of gender relations for the last thirty years has change dramatic. These changes should be taken into study, account, interpreter, to predict the recent changes, to correct for the future. If we compare feminine position and masculine one now and before, we can see they are opposition. That is why we should be aware of modern gender position.

299 Denis I. Petrenko (Stavropol)
Philology and medicine. Principles and methods of bibliological psychology in their application to medical practice (by N. A. Rubakina’s technique)

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Speaking about medicine and the literature, medicine and philology, it is possible to plan diverse aspects in research of problems of mutual relation of sciences and the arts, connected with psychology-medical research of character of the author and the hero, interaction between nature and society, studying of images of doctors in literature, with consideration from positions of social anthropology and historical psychology of the literary and historical reality, illnesses in a society and illnesses of a society, a role of a medical discourse and its place in fi ction etc. A process of communications of the writer and the reader is especially important, it is necessary to take into account those intentions which a work of art contains.
The precondition serving for association of medicine and the literature, is first of all a rhetorical-communicative specificity of the medical trade. Researchers consider that the literature and art become more and more powerful and perspective means in psychotherapy. Now such area of medical activity, as bibliotherapy is actively formed. Bibliotherapy is a medical influence on the patient by means of reading, literatures with a view of normalization or optimization of a patient’s mental, and through them physiological and biological processes of an organism.
As the outstanding phenomenon in studying and creation of system of influence of the literature on the reader N. A. Rubakin’s works are named. On the foreground he puts forward influence and perception of a word. It is important to investigate excitability of various mental experiences of the patient under the infl uence of doctor’s words. Bibliopsychological struggle against illnesses is a rational verbal influence on consciousness and subconsciousness of the patient, on emotional, together with on the intellectual and volitional party of his mentality. N. A. Rubakin uses a method of studying of persons on their reactions to various texts, and knowing type and individuality of the patient, the doctor has an opportunity to organize verbal dialogue with him.
Bibliopsychologicy is necessary to know not only for doctors, but also for philologists who deal with people – schoolboys, students. It is important to them to direct life of this or that person, to think about their mental health. The knowledge of possibilities of bibliotherapy can help with it.

309 Ivo Pospíšil (Brno)
Michal Viewegh’s Genre of a Prose Diary, Poetics, Genre Traditions and Contexts

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The author of the present article deals with the latest novel by the world-famous Czech prose writer Michal Viewegh (born 1962) Another Wonderful Year (Další báječný rok, 2010). He seeks for the genre traditions of the diary of a writer, a record of his experiences and events of his life during the whole course of the year, concentration of his views, life conceptions, happy events and unpleasant conflicts. The author examines the poetics of the work, especially the genre structure connecting it with the similar works of the past (F. Dostoevsky, J. Deml), the traditions of the diary genre, written records, “footprints”, the personalistic motivation of the application of the genre, the poetics of “the angry mature men” and the genre as a critical weapon. In connection with the emotinal, expressionistic basis of the diary genre the problem of the rise of “the new writer” is being commented upon, the personality with the strong ego taking into account the significance of visual mass media. Th e new birth of a diary genre, a certain kind of “the work in progress” may be explained as an opposition to the mass manipulation with the public opinion, to demonstrate the individual approach to the world, the dignity of the professional writer and to be able to preserve the importance of literary creation under new conditons in association with visual arts (film). One problem or question does remain unsolved: can or even must the contemporary writer cease to be somebody who feels compassion with the man and feels the responsibility for what happens in the world?

323 Larisa M. Nobina (Smolensk)
The Poetics of the Fragment in Literary Autobiography

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One of the stylistic peculiarities of literary autobiography is its fragmentation. Using the fragment is a conscious narrative technique, as a personal story does not appear as continuous and epic, it is just the image of discontinuous life experience, because neither the frame of the text nor the memory of the subject represents his or her whole life in the form of discontinuous unfi nished fragments. Such fragments are united by the author’s consciousness and intentions of this kind of pose which aim to inform the reader of the meaning of the author’s life and connection with the epoch.
The fragmentation of his genre is based on different kinds of memory which keeps heterogeneous images of life experience. At the same time, the memory of a recalling relies on the cultural and historical paradigms of his or her times, and it snows up in the intertextuality and interdiscourse of literary autobiography. A precedent name, a quotation, he inclusion of texts of the other genres create a mosaic of different self-descriptiveness which is also included in the fragmentation and discontinuity of the text.

337 Snezhana S. Bashcarevich (Leposavich)
The Female Writers between The Two Wars and The Literature Canon

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The literature canon is the manifestation of the dominant ideological structures in a certain time and it is considered as the hierarchy, which by the help of the certain selection and the margin, promotes the one type of writers and discriminates the others.The most important maker of the Serbian literature canon was Jovan Skerlic. His last representative work The History of the New Serbian Literature, printed many times, gives the main information about the literal and cultural aspiration of the Serbian people in the past. The generations of the Serbian literal critics have valued the literature by the standard of Jovan Skerlic. His literal valuation was obligatory and his literature canon has survived for many years. From his time onwards, there have been no changes in the literature canon toward the all female writers of the modern literature. Neither Jovan Skerlic nor Predrag Palavestra added any new name. If the work of Isidora Sekulic is excluded, the works of other female writers have not been reprinted and that is the reason why the access to their works is hard to reach. It means that their names were mentioned only formally and inactively in the canon. The aim of this work is conditioned by the need to promote many other female writers, who were in the shadow, between the two wars to the Serbian literary public because there has not been broader communication on this literary field. We have considered these female writers in the literature canon: I. Sekulic, J. Dimitrijevic, D. Markovic, M. Jankovic, S. Djakovic, J. Hrvacanin, V. Delibasic, M. Kostic – Selem, J. Spiridonovic – Savic, D. Dimitrijevic – Dejanovic, A. Savic – Rebac.

345 Ana Lupulovich (Belgrade)
Reality Weaved of Impressions – The Impressionism of Virginia Woolf

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Virginia Woolf is one of the most important figures of English literature and one of the founders of modern novel. Led by a wish to commemorate the 70th anniversary of her tragic death the author of this article tried to analyse and to point out the most important characteristics of her literary style. Driven by the desire to create a new kind of novel, which will be free of chronology and rigid realism of traditional prose, Virginia Woolf developed a new technique of writing. The most striking feature of this technique is its impressionism. In order to express that “luminous halo” which for her was life, Virginia Woolf had to develop fluid, associative prose. She expanded the limits of prose statement by using mental and emotional association. Thus narrative becomes so flexible that sequence and chronology cease to be important; yet it does not fall apart, because she provides an organizing factor, and that factor is mood. Characters are given through the juxtaposition of symbolic imagery which illustrates not life, but its quality, its mood. Experience is broken into a series of rapidly dissolving impressions which merge into one another.

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357 Ivo Pospíšil (Brno)
Ilona Gwóźdź-Szewczenko: Futuryzm w czeskim pejzażu literackim – Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2009. g.

359 Андреј Стојановић (Београд)
М. Н. Котюрова, Л. С. Тихомирова, Н. С. Соловьева, Идиостилистика научной речи. Наши представления о речевой индивидуальности ученого, Пермь: ГОУ ВПО «Пермский государственный университет», НОУ ВПО «Западно-Уральский институт экономики и права», 2011, 394 с.

369 Татьяна В. Радзиевская (Киев)
Олексій В. Зарецький: Офіційний та альтернативний дискурси.. 1950–80-ті роки в УРСР.– Київ: Інститут української мови нан України, 2008. – Друге вид., виправлене та доповнене. – 440с. – ISBN 966-306-016-6

373 Ивана Кнежевић (Београд)
Ксенија Кончаревић: Руски језик у теологији: обликовање теолошког текста – техника превођења.. – Београд: Православни богословски факултет, Институт за теолошка истраживања, 2010, 215 стр. – ISBN 978–86–7405–079–8

376 Зоран Ранковић (Београд)
Јелена Фемић-Касапис: Порекло термина „physis“, „ousia“ и „hypostasis“ и њихов семантички развој од најранијих помена до црквених отаца. – Београд: Православни богословски факултет, Институт за теолошка истраживања 2010, 155 стр. ISBN 978–86–7405–073–6

377 С. М. Иваненко, А. В. Королева (Киев)
Радзієвська Т. В. Нариси з концептуального аналізу та лінгвістики тексту. – Текст – соціум – культура – мовна особистість: моногр. / – К.: дп „Інформ.-аналіт. агентство”, 2010. 491 с.

381 Зоран Ранковић (Београд)
Ивана Кнежевић: Теолошки дискурс енглeског и српског језика: лексичко-семантички и стилистички проблеми превођења.. – Београд: Православни богословски факултет, Институт за теолошка истраживања 2010, 125 стр. – ISBN 978–86–7405–063–7

383 Aлма Ћишић (Тузла)
Aleksander Kiklewicz: Tęcza nad potokiem. – Łask: Oficyna Wydawnicza Leksem; Olsztyn: Warmińsko-Mazurski Uniwersytet – 2010. – 204 s. – ISBN 978–83–60178–78–2

386 Aнастасияа Белозуб (Београд)
Т. Радзиевской: Очерки по концептуальному анализу и лингвистике текста. Текст – социум – культура – языковая личность, Киев 2010, 491 с.

388 Aнастасияа Белозуб (Београд)
С. Ермоленко: Лингво-эстетические знаки украинской культуры, Киев 2009, 352 с.

390 Dorota Brzozowska (Opole)
Stylistics 2010 – Assessment and Prospects– a Conference.

Current Issuesdownload current issues (1MB)

393 Mилоје M. Ракочевић (Београд)
Универзални кôд као реалитет холизма?

Anniversariesdownload anniversaries (1,57MB)

407 Евгений Тарланов (Петрозаводск)
Замир Курбанович Тарланов (Краткая биография)

410 Aндрей А. Котов (Петрозаводск)
Исследователь и педагог, настоящий учёный
(к 75-летию профессора З. К. Тарланова)

Библиография избранных работ профессора З. К. Тарланова

418 Mилосав Ж. Чаркић (Београд)
Моји неколики сусрети са професором Замиром Курбановичем Тарлановим

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