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Project Rastko: Foundations of the Civilization

Original source: Sacred-Texts  Ancient Near East 

The Seven Tablets of Creation

by Leonard William King


Contents    Start Reading

This is an etext of L.W. Kings' authoritative work on the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian creation myth. This etext includes the complete introduction, and the English text of the Enuma Elish and other related texts, with selected footnotes. The Enuma Elish is the earliest written creation myth, in which the God Marduk battles the chaos Goddess Tiamat and her evil minions. The name 'Enuma Elish' is derived from the first two words of the myth, meaning 'When in the Height'. Tiamat takes the form of a gigantic snake, and Marduk battles and defeats her using an arsenal of super-weapons. After his victory Marduk is made the leader of the Gods by acclamation. Marduk divides Tiamat's corpse into two portions, the upper half becoming the sky and the lower half, the earth. Marduk then creates humanity from his blood and bone.

The Enuma Elish has long been considered by scholars to be primary source material for the book of Genesis. It has also been hypothesized that this is a legend about the overthrow of the matriarchy or records of some cosmic catastrophe.

A complete PDF of this rare book with illustrations can be found at ETANA (Electronic Tools and Ancient Near Eastern Archives). This PDF has numerous typographical errors. A prior etext of this file, scanned at sacred-texts, can be found here.

Title Page

The Seven Tablets of the History of Creation

The First Tablet
The Second Tablet
The Third Tablet
The Fourth Tablet
The Fifth Tablet
The Sixth Tablet
The Seventh Tablet

II: Other Accounts of the History of Creation

I. Another Version of the Dragon-Myth
II. A Reference to the Creation of the Cattle and the Beasts of the Field
III. A reference to the Creation of the Moon and the Sun
IV. An Address to the River of Creation
V. Another Version of the Creation of the World by Marduk

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